In-Game Chat
In-game chat
Down the bottom of the game screen is a chat window that allows you to quickly and easily chat with other online players without the hassle of the town forum or telegram system.
To send messages via chat, type your message in the box at the very bottom of the game screen and either press "Enter" (or "Return" on a Mac) or click the "Speak" button to the right of the typing box.
In order to send a chat message privately to one player, click their name in the chat window then choose to "Whisper" or use the relevant command.
Chat channels
There are multiple channels available for most players to choose from. In order to select a different channel, the player must click the drop down box to the left of the typing box. Once you send a message, every online player that has access to the channel you spoke in will be able to see the message unless you are on their ignore list.
Currently online players are listed in alphabetical order under the name of the channels they have access to in the list on the right hand side of the chat window.
If you wish to hide a specific chat so that new messages posted in that chat no longer show up on your screen, simply untick the box next to the desired channel's name on the right hand side of the chat section.
Town chat 
Town chat allows you to talk to your fellow town members. The title of the channel is the name of the town. Councillors and founders of the town are allowed to set, change and clear the channel topic.
Alliance chat 
Alliance chat allows chat between all members of an alliance. The title of the channel is the name of the alliance. Councillors and founders of any town in the alliance are allowed to set, change and clear the channel topic.
Fort chat 
Fort chat only becomes available when you are currently signed up for a fort battle. The title of the channel is the name of the fort in which the battle is taking place. Players signed up to the attacking team get their own chat room, and those signed up to the defending team get a separate chat room. Councillors and founders of the attacking or defending town have the ability to set, change and clear the topic of their respective channels.
County chat 
Each county has its own channel, and all online players that are currently located within a county is included in its chat. The title of the channel is the name of the county.
Chat commands
There are a number of special commands that have a special effect when typed in the chat window. To enter a command, simply type a forward slash (/) before any of the following words to activate its effect as explained below.
* = command only available to town councillors and founders
- tell: Sends message to an outside player.
- topic: Sets the chat room topic.*
- clear: Resets the chat room content.
- logout: Logs you out of the game.
- hide: Minimizes the chat window.
- show: Causes the chat window to pop up again.
- ignorelist: Shows all ignored users.
- ignore: Ignores another user.
- unignore: Deletes a user from the ignore list.
- rights: Sets the chat room posting rights.
- help: Shows this help. Use /? topic (replace "topic" with whichever one of the aforementioned commands you wish to know more about) to see more specific help.
Coloured messages
Colours can be applied to your chat messages. In order to change the colour of one or more words in your message, type a forward slash (/) before one of the following numbers in order to apply its corresponding colour to all the words after it. More than one colour may be used in one message.
The numbers used to apply each colour can be found here.
There is no escape character, so attempts to display a number following a slash (such as a fraction) will be corrupted. There are two workarounds: you can place a space between the slash and the number, or you can insert a valid colour code (preferably the current colour code) between the slash and the number. i.e., assuming the current color code is black (/000), to display 50/250 you would key in 50//000250