Talk:Movement Speed

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The speed which a character travels on the map is affected by several aspects including skill points in horse back riding, your mount, buffs, and premium/character bonuses.


Your characters movement speed as a percentage is equal to A x B

Where A is equal to the sum of;

  • Your base movement speed of 100%, plus
  • The modifier given by your horse (ex. 150% for a quarter horse), plus
  • The number of skill points you have in horse back riding multiplied by 1%.

and B is equal to the sum of;

  • 2 if you have greenhorn premium bonus activated, 1 if you do not have the greenhorn premium bonus plus
  • Any bonuses from gear sets as an integer (ex. 25 from golden gun set) divided by 100, plus
  • 0.1 if you are a dueller class, or 0.2 if you are a dueller with premium class bonus activated, 0 if you are not a dueller class plus
  • Any buffs or event bonuses currently active as an integer (ex. 125 from robust reins) divided by 100.


  • A should be a percentage amount and B should be a number which may include decimals.
  • If you do not have a horse equipped, your skill points in horse back riding as well as any event speed bonuses will have no effect on your movement speed