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Health points


The health points show how well your character is feeling. You can lose health points while working on a job and while dueling. Over time health points regenerate. While walking around or working they recover by 2% of your maximum points per hour. If you are not doing anything they recover by 5%. If you are sleeping in the hotel right now the points go up much faster. The room quality decides the exact number for that.

At the beginning your character has 110 health points. With each level you gain you receive 10 additional points. Per level on the skill health points you also get 10 points.

If you lose all of your health points, you pass out. You wake up in your home town. If you are not a member of a town, you wake up in the closest town. If you get knocked out you lose all your cash. If you pass out working on a job, you do not receive any money, items or experience for your work.



Energy points show if the character is tired or not. You cannot work all day and all night, at some point your character needs sleep, preferably in a hotel. The longer you work on a job, the more energy points are used.

  • 10 minutes: 2 energy points
  • 30 minutes: 6 energy points
  • 1 hour: 12 energy points
  • 2 hours: 24 energy points

Whatever you do, your character constantly regenerates 3 energy points per hour, even while working or moving around. Players with premium account regenerate 4.5 points per hour. The energy raises much faster when you sleep in a hotel room. The better the room, the more energy is regenerated.