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|name=News from Big Bourbon
|questgiver=Barkeeper Henry Walker
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Showdown (Save the saloon, part 2)
|complete=Go to Big Bourbon
|reward={{Reward|experience|200|200 Experience points}}
|start text=Ah, hello my friend! Haven’t seen you around lately.  You start tell Henry about your latest adventures until he suddenly grows silent, stroking his beard. Henry: You know, I’ve heard of a real nasty incident over at Big Bourbon. Apparently the hotel was robbed and the owner, Miss Applepie Annie, got hurt badly. If you’re looking for a new adventure, why not ride over there and take a look around?
|finish text=You can see the big wooden sign from far away, "Welcome to Big Bourbon". A beautiful scenery with the prairie grass in full blossom and the mountain range in the background. The few people you see eye you suspiciously as you ride down the main road. You enter the saloon, resulting in the present people to quiet their talk and leave. The barkeeper waves you closer.
|name=What’s the issue?
|questgiver=Mister B.
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: News from Big Bourbon (Relentless)<br />
Go to Mister B.
|complete=Accept: What’s the issue? (Relentless)
|reward={{Reward|experience|90|90 Experience points}}
|start text=You’d be just like ’em if you’d heard what we did. Yesterday some guys entered the hotel across the street, beat up the owner and took all her money. Her father came running. BAM! Shot in the chest. Just like that. Doc says he’s probably going to die. Miss Applepie spat one of them in the face so he cut her up nicely. Soon after they were gone as fast as they’d come.
|finish text=Miss Applepie’s in her hotel where the doc and the employees take care of her. Sorry, that’s all I've got. If you want to know more, talk to Sheriff Bill.
|name=Meet Big Bill
|questgiver=Big Bill
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: What’s the issue? (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bill
|complete=Lotus blossom 3/3
|reward={{Reward|experience|350|350 Experience points}}
|start text=The hotel? Yeah, heard about it. Got the one who did it, beat him up and kicked him out of town. He ain’t coming back.  Strange. Why didn’t he arrest him? And wasn’t the barkeeper talking about three men? But Big Bill stands up to his name. You decide it’s best to do some inquiry before bothering him with further questions. Next stop - The hotel. Maybe you should get Miss Annie some flowers...
|finish text=The hotel’s just across the street. The best place to start investigating and now that you’ve got some flowers for the injured lady, there’s nothing stopping you.
|name=Water for the ill
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Meet Big Bill (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Well drilling (30 minutes)
|reward={{Reward|experience|370|370 Experience points}}
|start text=Doc: Hold it right there! Hmm, so you’ve heard what happened... Still, Miss Annie is in no condition to have visitors. Come back later or wait! Now that you’re here you could help me prepare some medicine for her. First I need some water from the well to clean her wounds properly.
|finish text=Doc: Thank you. No, we have to boil it first so no bacteria can enter the wounds. Take this cloth and help me, please.
|name=Nature knows best
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Water for the ill (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Clearing the forest (2 hours)
|reward={{ItemReward|Life juice|Life juice}}
|start text=Doc: Good, now to the medicine. I’ve run out of willow bark against the pain. Talk to the lumberjacks over in the woods. They’ll know where to find some more.
|finish text=Doc: Ah! Very good. I’ll start the brewing. Keep an eye out for her, will you? Call me if anything happens.
|name=Resting the dead
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Nature knows best (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Digging graves (4 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|421|421 Experience points}}
|start text=Doc: There. That should allow her a nice rest and help the wounds heal. Ah, really what did that poor thing do to deserve a fate such as this? The cuts were executed with a blunt blade. Her face will recover but she’ll probably keep a good deal of scars... I haven’t even told her about old Applepie yet... Poor fellow. He died few hours ago. If you really want to help, dig out a grave so her father can find peace.
|finish text=Doc: {PLAYER_NAME}! This way! Annie just woke up. Since you helped me, I’ll allow you in but please... try not to upset her.
|name=Heavy money
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Resting the dead (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Putting up posters (2 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|300|300 Experience points}}
|start text=It’s alright, I already know about my pops... What? They got away?! But- But why?! So Big Bill didn’t do anything after all. I thought as much. That dirty do-Augh! Mark my words, I’ll put up a bounty and I’ll see them shot or hanged! Doc, give him the savings from pops... Here, take this to the sheriff right away and make sure those posters get pinned up, hear me?
|finish text=Looking at the 5000$ Reward money in your hand, you get the feeling this may not be the right way to solve the problem. You decide to stick around to gather information... and protect Annie from the scum that will be flooding the city, attracted by the high bounty.
|name=Lumberman, ho!
|questgiver=Big Bourbon
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Heavy money (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bourbon
|complete=Rafting wood (7 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|360|360 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=There’s some time to kill so you might as well help out in town. The lumberjacks ask for assistance with the log transport down river.
|finish text=After a couple of days a stagecoach arrives. A dangerous looking man steps out, his aura dripping with confidence and hunger for darkness. In terror, the town people scatter from the streets. The Blood Baron has arrived.
|name=A dark arrival
|questgiver=Irish Bob
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Lumberman, ho! (Relentless)<br />
Go to Irish Bob
|complete=Sharp Razor blade 1/1
|reward={{Reward|experience|200|200 Experience points}}
|start text=Behind the Baron, another man steps out of the coach, a thick mob of uncombed hair covering his upper head, a wild mustache framing his mouth. The people move away as Blood Baron, also known as Irish Bob and his companion make their way to the barber. You see the last bit of the barber just making a corner and disappear. A perfect chance to inquire what Irish Bob wants. You know how to shave alright but you need a sharp blade to do this.
|finish text=Equiped with a nice sharp blade, you quickly get in from the back, leave your hat and greet Irish Bob as a barber.
|name=A barber’s tale
|questgiver=Irish Bob
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: A dark arrival (Relentless)<br />
Go to Irish Bob
|complete=Pocket watch 1/1 <br />
Whiskey 1/1
|reward={{Reward|experience|120|120 Experience points}}
|start text=Hello there, Mister barber! While I am here wasting my precious time and money, may I ask where to find a Miss Applepie Annie?  You calculate the possibility of him already having gunned down the three men. Your eyes meet. Hurriedly your fingers fiddle for a pocket watch but it’s certainly not in your pocket. And the aftershave is empty too. Quickly you excuse yourself to find both and do some thinking.
|finish text=Whistling a little tune to cover your nervousness, you get back to Irish Bob and finish his treatment. When the alcohol hits his freshly shaved skin he doesn’t wince one bit.Irish Bob: Well, Mister Barber, if you are so reluctant to tell, I am sure there are other ways to find Miss Annie.  The razor-blade rests steady on Irish Bob’s throat.
|name=Enjoying the show
|questgiver=Irish Bob
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: A barber’s tale (Relentless)<br />
Go to Irish Bob
|complete=Cigars 1/1
|reward={{Reward|experience|120|120 Experience points}}<br />
{{ItemReward|Popped corn|Popped corn}}
|start text=Mister Clemens, make sure this fella makes it into my book. Without another word he pushes the blade away, pays and leaves the shop. Outside the sheriff is waiting with a few of his rifle-carrying deputies. This could be interesting. If only you have a cigar...
|finish text=You get your cigar out and lean against the outer wall of the shop to watch. One of the fleeing passer-bys trips and looses a bag of corn. You watch how the corn flies right into an empty can, heated by the sun. Popping sounds, how very convenient! And very tasteful. Let’s see what the sheriff has to say.
|name=Bob vs. Bill
|questgiver=Big Bill
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Enjoying the show (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bill
|complete=Transporting prisoners (10/10)
|reward={{Reward|experience|230|230 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=Well, look who’s here... The famous Mud Baron has come for a visit! Well, if you’re not here for the shopping I propose you get right back into that carriage and hit the road! Irish Bob seems to be analyzing his chances... Without warning, Big Bill batters him to the ground and the men take him into custody. You don’t trust that sheriff and leave your seat to accompany the prison transport.
|finish text=Irish Bob arrived safely in a cell but you’ve lost sight of the shabby man who had been with him. Something’s clearly not right here. You decide to ask around town. Surely someone must have seen him.
|name=Where is mister shabby man?
|questgiver=Big Bourbon
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Bob vs. Bill (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bourbon
|complete=Construct manor-house (1 hour)
|reward={{Reward|experience|500|500 Experience points}}
|start text=While strolling the streets, you find the real barber hanging around the bank. In exchange for a cigarette he reports having seen the shabby man a few minutes ago, heading for the Briggs manor-house. Maybe they need help with the construction while you’re at it.
|finish text=As you cross the vast grounds a gunshot makes you halt. Quite a distance from you, a fountain of sand rises. Has somebody been shooting at you? Behind a fallen tree, you discover a rifle pointed roughly in your direction.
|name=Crawling through the sand
|questgiver=Big Bourbon
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Where is mister shabby man? (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bourbon
|complete=Ambush (30 minutes)
|start text=Swiftly, you move up closer and ambush the shooter from behind.
|finish text=You knocked the shooter out quite easily. While he’s unconscious, you search him and discover a pair of glasses and a letter addressed to a Mrs. Scoefield. You open the letter. It starts with: "Dear mom,..." You close the letter again, you’ve seen enough.
|name=Who’s the kid?
|questgiver=Big Bourbon
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Crawling through the sand (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bourbon
|complete=Grinding coffee (2 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|400|400 Experience points}}
|start text=With the help from the local farmer, you get the boy inside the house and brew some coffee. Slowly he’s coming back to his senses.
|finish text=You ask the boy what business brings him to town. He seems intimidated, but tries not to show. Kid:"Listen Mister, I’ve got friends. T-They’ll be here soon and then you'll be sorry for attacking me. I'm the S-Scoefield Kid, and I-I’ve killed many people... I'll kill you, too!" He’s barely 20 and a scaredy-cat. You doubt that he’s killed any man. The kid takes the coffee but keeps silent upon his reason for shooting at you.
|name=Fishing relaxation
|questgiver=Big Bourbon
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Who’s the kid? (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bourbon
|complete=River fishing (25/25)
|reward={{Reward|experience|620|620 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=You decide to take the lousy shooter to Big Bill. On your way, the kid somehow regained his speech and starts boasting about his notorious deeds. He’s a terrible liar but you start to get a liking to that fella, except for his bad smell. As you cross a bridge, you push him into the water. When he tries to get out, you pull your gun. You won’t go one more step with that stinker around! While the boy cursing washes himself, you build a rod and start fishing.
|finish text=Fresh and clean, the boy climbs out of the river. You grant him some new clothes and advise him to burn the old ones not to attract any vultures. Before entering town center, you stop.That’s where your ways part. You decide not to tell the sheriff but warn the kid if he dares to shoot at you once more, he won’t have to worry ‘bout tomorrow! You tip your hat with a smile and ride off.
|name=Cleaning the streets
|questgiver=Big Bourbon
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Fishing relaxation (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bourbon
|complete=NPC duels won: 5/5
|reward={{Reward|experience|620|620 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=By now the town is dripping with bounty hunters, gunslingers and low-lifes. Time for some tidying up.
|finish text=After work is done, of course the great sheriff Big Bill claims to have cleaned the streets. That man is starting to get on your nerves! Laughing louder than necessary, he disappears into the saloon. Outside you wait a bit, until you follow.
|name=Violence and Whiskey
|questgiver=Mister B.
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Cleaning the streets (Relentless)<br />
Go to Mister B.
|complete=Elixir 1/1
|reward={{Reward|experience|200|200 Experience points}}
|start text=You duck just in time to avoid being hit by a chair. Another hassle? In a corner the sheriff beats up a stranger.Big Bill: “Take that bag o’ dirt and throws him out into the streets!” The group leaves. The shabby biographer greets shortly before following them. Mister B. waves you closer.Mister B.:We should help that poor man. There’s a guy in town selling elixirs. You think that’ll work?
|finish text=Unsure if this so called elixir actually helps, you arrive at the hotel where Annie tends to the beat up man. She’s not wearing any bandages anymore and the freshly closed wounds draw red lines across her face. Your gift is accepted with a word of gratitude.
|name=Funny the Great
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Violence and Whiskey (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Chasing bandits (4 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|500|500 Experience points}}
|start text=Turns out the stranger’s name is Funny, a gunslinger from the old days. He’s accompanying the kid. Together they managed to find the camp of the wanted men in a nearby canyon but now he’s in no condition to engage them. He fears the kid might go for it alone and asks you to help prevent the worst. You take out your map and start riding. Time to chase down some bandits.
|finish text=From afar you hear gunshots. You run your horse to a fast gallop and few minutes later you enter a gruesome scene. One man lies dead in an outhouse. A second man is taking his last breath, painting the sand red from a belly-shot. You draw your gun.
|name=Death Canyon
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Funny the Great (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Exploration (1 hour)
|reward={{Reward|experience|370|370 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=The Scoefield kid is sitting on a rock, whimpering. Gun in hand, you look out for the third outlaw. A door bangs and you hurry behind a bush. Cautious you make your way towards the small shack and search the place.
|finish text=The shack is empty except for the wind crying through the many openings. You go back outside and across the dust. Carefully you take the gun out of the boy’s trembling hands. Kid:“I-I shot ‘em!” You pat him on the back.
|name=Mystery solved
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Death Canyon (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Grave robber (2 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|370|370 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=Turns out he wanted to impress a young lady back home so he looked for Funny, a retired gunslinger to help him get the reward. You throw the boy on his horse and tell him to go back to town. Scoefield: But what should I do? You tell him to claim the reward and go back to his lady, then send his horse off. You wait until the kid’s out of sight, then start searching the two men.
|finish text=You notice one of them wears the same hat as you. The kid must have mistaken you for him at the farm. At least one is now mystery solved. Time to wrap things up. You get on your horse and ride back to report to Annie and Funny.
|name=Run your horses
|questgiver=Applepie Annie
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Mystery solved (Relentless)<br />
Go to Applepie Annie
|complete=Accept: Run your horses (Relentless)
|reward={{Reward|experience|150|150 Experience points}}
|start text=As you approach Big Bourbon, Annie comes running!  Annie:The sheriff! The sheriff has Scoefield! I just wanted to get him the money, when Big Bill showed up and dragged him away! Oh, please, please! I couldn’t forgive myself if the poor boy got hurt because of me!
|finish text=You hurry on to the sheriff!
|name=Serving the dead
|questgiver=Big Bill
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Run your horses (Relentless)<br />
Go to Big Bill
|complete=Building coffins (10/10)
|reward={{Reward|experience|230|230 Experience points}}
|start text=Ah, just in time. I’m afraid we need another coffin here. You look behind him and see the lifeless body of the Scoefield kid. Big Bill: I’m afraid one of my men was a bit rough on him during interrogation. Would you mind? I got things to do. Fury rises but there’s nothing you can do about it now. The most important thing is to get that boy a nice coffin. It’s the least you can do.
|finish text=The coffin’s done. Still angry, you help the Deputies lay down the kid and watch them transport it out to the street.Irish Bob:Ey, barber! Come here for a minute.
|name=Dealing the devil
|questgiver=Irish Bob
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Serving the dead (Relentless)<br />
Go to Irish Bob
|complete=Burglary (5 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|460|460 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=Sorry for the kid. I guess we both know it wasn’t the deputies but the sheriff who’s done it. Anyway. You better get Funny out of here. The sheriff’s looking for him. Of course I would help but I’m kind of tied to my bed right now. He grins challenging.
|finish text=On your way out, you discover the sheriff in front of the saloon. At closer inspection you recognize the Scoefield kid exhibited in his coffin. The sheriff is painting a sign starting with "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO ..." Irish Bob spits out. He seems as furious as you. You grab a young boy running past you and tell him to warn Funny.
|name=Last stand
|questgiver=Irish Bob
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Dealing the devil (Relentless)<br />
Go to Irish Bob
|complete=Defeat Deputy Harris
|reward={{Reward|experience|1024|1024 Experience points}}
|start text=You give Irish Bob a signal and the two of you sneak past the sheriff and into the saloon. Shortly after, Big Bill and his deputies enter. You draw your gun. A shot rings! One of the deputies falls dead to the ground. Behind him Funny steps in, a rifle in hand. Big Bill comes at him with swinging fists but Funny dodges him easily. The Deputies want to interfere. Irish Bob and you step in to keep a fair fight.
|finish text=Big Bill uses the distraction to charge at Funny again. Two shots ring. Within seconds everything is over. Grim, Funny shoulders the rifle and tells you to bury the kid properly. Then he’s gone. Mister B. comes back from under the counter and Irish Bob flashes his wicked grin at you.  Irish Bob: That’ll be 5 grands if you please.
|name=Poor lonesome rider
|questgiver=Irish Bob
|unlock=Reached level 79<br />
Resolve: Last stand (Relentless)<br />
Go to Irish Bob
|complete=Digging graves (4 hours)
|reward={{Reward|experience|3100|3100 Experience points}}<br />
|start text=Annie, the doc and you help the Scoefield kid to his final rest. You don’t even bother asking for Irish Bobs help cleaning up the mess the three of you made. He sure is one strange man. Irish Bob: Nice making business with you. Tipping his hat, Irish Bob leaves the saloon while the sun sets on the horizon, the biographer back at his heels.
|finish text=Ey, barber! Why not join us? You could come in handy. Besides who doesn’t want to ride with the Blood Baron, famous gunslinger and bounty hunter!You decline. You’ve had enough of grave digging for the moment.Irish Bob: Suit yourself.

Latest revision as of 13:33, 17 January 2016