Hello all,
As an overview of what needs to be done, this page is one of the first to be made. Since it was created, no changes were made - it contains 2008 era information. Then, jobs were unsosphicated, now they are with so many changes
I'll start off with an overview about the importance of jobs, then start to work on the different aspects of jobs one by one
These things have to be added (not necessarily in order)
1. Importance of jobs, an overview 2. Control (starting, cancelling and reports) + minimap
3. labor points (pickaxes) i. gear ii. buffs (instructions + allan's weapons)
II - rewards 1. wages 2. XP 3. Luck i. Key 3 hunt 4. Danger 5. motivation 6. products
others 1. Gold and silver jobs 2. Ideas on working - ie, durations and builds
probably, the list of jobs may be changed, but that will come later