Friends bar

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Revision as of 07:09, 21 February 2014 by Gandalf Greyhame (talk | contribs) (→‎Player icons)
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Friends bar

The friends bar lists all of a player's friends, including offline, online, and away players. It includes a search function, the ability to filter friends by town, alliance, and a button to add another friend, as well as a button to invite friends.

  • Minimized friends bar Friendsbar minimized.png
  • Maximized friends bar Friendsbar.png


Add friend Add friend.png

This button allows you to send a friend request to another player.

Invite friend Invite friend.png

This opens up the friends menu, allowing you to see friend requests sent to you by other players, invite real life friends to play The West, and see all of the rewards earned by inviting friends to the west.

Show alliance members Filter by alliance.png

This button makes the friends bar show only players who are in your alliance.

Show town members Filter by town.png

This button makes the friends bar show only players who are in your town.

Show friends Filter reset.png

This resets the filter to its default condition, showing all of your friends.

Search current selection Search current selection.png

This allows you to search your list of friends for players with a specific name, or part of a name, and then show only those friends in the friends bar. Clicking this button again resets the friends bar back to its default, showing all players.

Player icons

The friends bar shows the avatar of each player on your friends list.

  • Friendsbar avatar.png

Each player has a red, green, or grey dot in the upper left corner of their avatar picture. This indicates their online status-red for offline, green for online, grey for away(logged into the game, but not having shown activity for 5 minutes). When the mouse is hovered over an avatar, that player's class and crafting profession are shown. Clicking their avatar brings up a menu allowing you view their profile, send them a whisper, telegram them, show their location on the world map, or remove them as a friend.

  • Friendsbar clicked avatar.png

The friends bar also shows your own avatar, but clicking this has no effect. Another picture, a greyed out avatar, links to the invite friends menu.

  • Friendsbar avatar invite.png