The missing explorer

From Wiki The-West EN
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To access this questline you must finish:


The arrival of the telegram

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
Railroad Ticket Agent

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

25 / LvL

Check this message, somebody got lost in the Wild West. An expedition just returned from Wild West exploration and realized that one of them is missing. The same telegram has been sent to all cities which they visited, as the missing person can be everywhere. It's a tall man with a long ginger beard and a circle-shaped scar on his right cheek. Can you please talk to the people in the ticket office?
On the ticket officers remember the man, he was there 2-3 days ago and asked about a ticket to Europe. Our city has no connection there, so he left the office without any purchase.

Everyone needs to know

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
Work as a Reporter
Selling newspaper 'The Western Star'

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

30 / LvL

Everyone needs to know about the missing person, maybe he found a shelter in one of our citizen's houses. He is lost in a foreign country, we have no idea what decision he could have made. Please talk to the local reporter who can prepare an article for the newspaper, you can also make sure that this edition is distributed very properly and everybody sees it. That's all that we can do now.
Now we should wait, maybe somebody will come with information.

The first witness

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png








Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

26 / LvL

One of my customers saw the missing man yesterday in the early morning while he was leaving the city, at the most popular path, sadly before the junction, so we don't know where he went. Do you really want to go there and check? If you have time, that's the best thing we can do now. Remember to first well prepare for the trip: take a good horse, comfortable saddle, bags with food and the most important weapons. Please let me know when you are leaving.
Where are you going first? Ghost town? I think it's a good idea. Good luck!

Checking the ghost town

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Ghost town.png
Go to:
Ghost town.png


Setting Traps
Distance travelled by horse: 50000/50000

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

30 / LvL

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward bonds.png


{PLAYER_NAME}: I traveled here for a long time, I checked every single spot in the town and nothing. He is not here for sure. The town looks more empty than usual and I know why. It's full of wild animals, which weren't here a few weeks ago. Some traps should solve the problem, as this place is often used by travelers to rest before reaching their final destination.
I'm finally done. The junction where he has been seen for the last time goes to the ghost town at the west and to the river at the east. I should check the river area now.

You found something

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

Work as a Cartographer
Picking Mushrooms

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

30 / LvL

You see a canteen next to the bridge, the missing explorer had to be here. But when? You shout his name a few times with a hope that he will come to you. Unfortunately it doesn't. Probably he is not here any more. He could have left the place a long time ago, you don't know how long the canteen has been here. However it's very clean, which means that the person left not long ago. You start looking around for more evidence and then you see a shoe print one, two, three.. Looks like he entered that big forest. Maybe he wanted to find some food? You have to follow the shoe prints and hopefully find him. The forest is very dense, remember to draw your way on a piece of paper! You enter the forest and start looking for mushrooms.
You found nothing and it's getting dark. That's a bad sign.

You have a problem

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png



Making a Bonfire

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

28 / LvL

You hear the river, so you can't be far away from it, but it's dark. Trying to find a way out of the forest at night can make things only worse. Staying there for so long was very irresponsible, but now you have no other choice than staying here for the night. You decided to prepare a provisional camp to stay this one night and continue searching after the sun rises.
Your eyes are closing. It's time to go to sleep.

Man in the forest

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

Bandit duels lost: 1/1
Fort battle won: 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

30 / LvL

You heard some weird noise which made you open your eyes. You see a character with a weapon pointing toward you. You jump to your feet and try to fight with him. Unfortunately he was stronger. Now you lie tied with ropes and look for a way out. The man tells you: There is only one way for you to become a free person again. Help us to win the next fort battle.
After the fortbattle you are a free person again. At least the bandit said the truth.

You spotted him

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

29 / LvL

During the battle you spotted a person who looks like the missing explorer. Was he also kidnaped and forced to participate in the battle? Everything is possible. You return to the fort and start looking for him, after a few minutes you see him lying on the grass. He doesn't look good at all, for sure he needs doctor help now.
Now we should return to the Saloon.

How to get there?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png




Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

30 / LvL

The explorer can't walk or use the horse, you have to find another way to get to the Saloon. Your city is located close to The riverbed, now you are next to The riverbed. Maybe a boat can be a good solution? You have to build one!
You never used a boat on the river before. It will be an adventure.

Finally back

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png

25 / LvL


You are finally back! I was really worried as you disappeared for a few days! You tell the full story to Henry while he prepares the food and drinks for you and the explorer. Explorer: I'm so thankful that you found me. I don't have much but please take those great tinamou eggs, I used them as my amulet.
After some time, you helped the explorer to board and train and return home.