Talk:Fort Fighting For Dummies
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The Classes
Taking a closer look at the characters on the map, you will distinguish the five classes that are available in the game.
You may also notice that some players are represented as a square character or a semi circular shape
This indicates the difference between specific fighters too. Fighters with a square character are either members of the digging town (attackers side) or part of the town that owns the fort (defenders side). The rest of the fighters are represented with a semi circular shape.
The Classes bonuses summary
- Adventurer
- Dueller
- Soldier
- Worker
- Greenhorn. You are those romantic guys that decided not to pick a class before you reach 150 or you're just too indecisive to do so. You have no fort fighting skills. You're just mediocre meatshields. The rest of the team is waiting for you to finally make up your mind and pick one of the 4 above mentioned classes. Do it already!