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Secret Quests

It was murder

  • Quest Giver: Sheriff John Fitzburn
  • Prerequisites: A piece of bloody fabric 1/1
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • Deputy
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">Sheriff John Fitzburn: Interesting, where did you get that scrap of fabric? Hmm, in the forest... I think I should take a look at it.</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Sheriff John Fitzburn: I suspected as much. We searched the forest and found Mr. Charlton's body there. He owned the largest property in the area. I don't have enough men at the moment... but I'm sure you can give me a hand in this matter. I hereby authorize you to act as my deputy. Ride over to the mansion, try to find a clue there and follow it.</spoiler>

The property

  • Quest Giver: The property
  • Prerequisites: Resolve: The murder (It was murder)
Go to The property
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 50 Experience points
    • Old photo
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">Mr. Charlton's property is in front of you. This is a proud property that is equivalent to a small town in terms of value and estate size. But the property is completely deserted and no one has been here for at least a week, aside from a few wild animals. You quickly start searching for clues. Maybe you can find something...</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">You find an old photo of Mr. Charlton and get a few clues about people who were in this house not long ago. It must still be possible to find them somewhere in the vicinity.</spoiler>

The Mexican in the shade

  • Quest Giver: The Mexican
  • Prerequisites: Resolve: The murder (The property)
Go to The Mexican
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 20 Experience points
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">A young Mexican is sleeping beneath a tree. According to the description, this should be one of the people who were on the property just recently. Wake him up by kicking him in the side!</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Enrico: Arghh! Who's there?! What, how... deputy?! What I was doing at the property? I worked there, mucking out the stables for that scumbag Charlton. What, he's dead? No, it wasn't me... Why would I want to kill him? But maybe you should ask the dancer. As far as I know, he always promised to marry her, but wrote her out of the will when he was done with her... She is certainly capable of murder!</spoiler>

Dried tears

  • Quest Giver: The dancer
  • Prerequisites: Resolve: The murder (The property)
Go to The dancer
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 20 Experience points
    • Kudram's parasol or Walking stick
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">You meet a woman in a traveling merchant's wagon who is obviously a dancer and stares sadly at a picture of Mr. Charlton. You approach the wagon on your horse and address the woman.</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Dancer: Huh? {PLAYER_NAME}, deputy? What do you want from me? Whether I know Mr. Charlton? Robert Charlton, of course. He was my fiance... Why the past tense? Because he got that tramp pregnant... that maid. What?! He was killed! No, I didn't know that... oh, my darling! I'm sure it was that Mexican Enrico! He was also in love with Julia, the maid. When he found out that Robert got her pregnant, he broke a window and demolished the entire smithy... I'm sure it was him! Or maybe that supposed son? Every time Robert drank too much, he got so incredibly sad and angry. One time he told me that he has a son out of wedlock and put him into an orphanage, after a friend pressured him into it. I think he called him Daniel. Oh, my Robert... Take one of these items and put it in his grave. Both of them meant a lot to him.</spoiler>

The lonely rider

  • Quest Giver: The gunslinger
  • Prerequisites: Resolve: The murder (The property)
Go to The gunslinger
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 20 Experience points
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">Ahead, you see a lonely rider with a pair of dangerous-looking revolvers. He makes a very downcast impression on you. He notices you very late and you can just catch him hiding an old photo of a woman in his saddlebag. You ride over to him and nod at him. He doesn't seem to be very eager to speak, but you still address him.</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Gunslinger: What do you want? Well, what does a deputy want from me? Do I know a Charlton? I'd prefer not to, but I have that misfortune. Disappeared, you say... ha, let the vultures get him! He might be dead? Even better... the maid probably poisoned him. Why do I say that? Because that respectable gentleman took advantage of her, and right in front of his fiance! She was utterly miserable. And then there was her friend, the Mexican. How do I know all this? I was a... guest at the mansion. I was there on personal business, but that's irrelevant here. My name? Daniel! And now leave me alone, I want to get to the next town, to a hotel where I can sleep!</spoiler>

The breeding ground

Go to The horse breeder
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 20 Experience points
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">You ride across the pastures of a large breeding ground. Large herds of horses are to your left and right, along with a few men who are currently trying to break in some of the horses. After a while you come to a ranch, where an older man is smoking a pipe on the porch. It's Mr. Cartwright, who is probably known to everyone in the area.</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Mr. Cartwright: Well, who do we have here? Hmm, how can I help you, deputy {PLAYER_NAME}? Do I know Mr. Charlton? Hmm, yes, that was a long while back. Once upon a time, we used to be friends. But then there was that deal with his bastard son... he didn't want to acknowledge him. That made the mother so unhappy, she died, and then he put the boy into an orphanage. That was just too much for me. I couldn't look him straight in the eye anymore after that shameful deed. I never saw him again. Were those all your questions? Or should I tell you a few more stories? No? Too bad, it was just getting interesting...</spoiler>


  • Quest Giver: The maid
  • Prerequisites: Resolve: The murder (The property)
Go to The maid
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 20 Experience points
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">At a river near a large manor-house, you come across a pregnant woman who apparently wants to apply for a job as a maid. You sit down next to her and ask her for her name.</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Julia: My name? I'm Julia. Yes, I worked for Mr. Charlton, but I ran away. He... I couldn't take it anymore. Why? He... he violated me. And I was afraid that my Enrico would avenge me, once he found out I was pregnant. No! My Enrico would never hurt anyone. Never. What?! Mr. Charlton was killed? No, no, it's out of the question that it was Enrico! Who else could it have been? Maybe his fiance, she was always jealous of me, because Mr. Charlton was always giving me lecherous looks. Or maybe Mr. Cartwright. Why Mr. Cartwright? Because he came to visit once and the two men had a very loud argument. No, I didn't hear what it was about. Only that Mr. Cartwright threatened Mr. Charlton. Oh, it's so late already... I have to get to that house quickly and introduce myself. But who would want to hire a pregnant woman?</spoiler>

The suspects

Resolve: The murder (Dried tears)
Resolve: The murder (The lonely rider)
Resolve: The murder (The breeding ground)
Resolve: The murder (Despair)
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 200 Experience points
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">You quickly tell the sheriff everything you found out.</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Sheriff John Fitzburn: Hmm, interesting. So I was right to make you a deputy. You did good work and found these five suspects. Unfortunately the evidence isn't strong enough yet to convict the true criminal. Go back out and keep looking for clues. I think you'll be most likely to find something near the property. Good luck! And remember, the longer you wait, the less of a chance we have to catch the murderer.</spoiler>

The evidence

Engagement ring 1/1
Birth certificate 1/1
Sinister plans 1/1
A doctor's report 1/1
A bent branding iron 1/1
  • Requires:
    • -
  • Reward:
    • 500 Experience points
  • Quest Text: <spoiler text="Show Text">Sheriff John Fitzburn: So you think you've collected all of the clues?</spoiler>
  • Epilogue: <spoiler text="Show Epilogue">Sheriff John Fitzburn: Well, that does seem to be enough to convict the murderer. Take another close look at all of the clues you have and tell me who the murderer is.</spoiler>

Total Reward