Reports serve to notify players of the results of in game activities. The most common Reports give the results of Jobs, Duels, and Fort Battles.
Reports Window
The Reports Window
Work reports tell you how much Experience Points and cash you received for that jobs, as well as luck item, job product, and quest item drops, if any. They also show your motivation for that job at the time it was completed. Injuries are also displayed, also showing if you passed out from the injury.
Duel reports give round by round results any time you're involved in a duel, whether you're challenging or defending, against a player or NPC. The top of the report shows both parties avatar, level, dueling level, and dueling weapon. The bottom tells who won, whether or not the loser passed out, and Experience Points and cash gained, if any. The default format for dueling reports is Flash, which shows each round for each player in turn. You can change the format to HTML by clicking the JavaScript link at the bottom of the report, or change it back to Flash.
Fort Battle
Fort battle reports include Experience Points and cash earned, damaged taken in the battle and whether you passed out. It also shows if you gained a level, whether you received a box or doctor's bag drop, and has a link to the full results of the battle.
Auction reports are received any time you place a bid, someone outbids you, or an auction is won. Sellers receive a report when an auction ends. Reports only contain basic information. For full details including the town where the Market is located, you must look in a Market.