Repeatable holiday quests

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Skulls of sugar

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Skulls of sugar (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting One last attempt (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Skulls of sugar (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00



Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


How do you do? Soon there’s this Day of the Dead festival and I expect a lot of customers. I’ve asked Maya’s friend Isabel to help me out and she gave me some receipts. How about this? Sugar skulls! Isn’t that great? I've already borrowed the mold. If you could get the two main ingredients, I’ll prepare everything else!
Aha, so you mix it together and then?

Some color for the pale

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Some color for the pale (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Skulls of sugar (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Some color for the pale (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


Isabel just told me people like to beauty them up with colors. Maybe some berries would do for that.
Squish, squash, berry mush!

Bread for the dead

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 30 days after accepting Some color for the pale (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Bread for the dead (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Bread for the dead (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


These skulls take some time to harden. I guess we might as well start on something else in the meantime. This pan... pan de los muertos... sounds good. So we’ve got the water, we’ve got the sugar... Here. that’s what we need. Think you can do it?
What do you think? That cross on top really makes it special, right?


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Tamales (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Bread for the dead (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Tamales (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Picking corn
30 minutes

Reward gfx.png

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Last but not least, we need Tamales. Isabel says it’s the top Mexican food. I already checked for the ingredients. First, I really need corn and corn leafs.
Thanks. Just put them over there.

We need more red

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting We need more red (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Tamales (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting We need more red (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Picking tomatoes

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Isabel says no Tamales without tomatoes... sorry but could you go get some?
You’re a life saver! I’d say the feast is finished. Why don’t you check on Maya, I think she needed some help too.

Aztecan style

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Aztecan style (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting We need more red (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Aztecan style (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


Hey, {PLAYER_NAME}! Over here! Let’s quit the reunion ‘cause I’m real busy okay? I bet Henry already told you about the Día de los muertos. Isabel, my friend is an expert on the matter and to honor the ancestors, we decided to perform an Aztecan dance. We have to start practicing the steps but we still need some costumes. Go and get some fabric. I’ll pay you up later.
Yeah, that looks good! Isabel’s a true magician with needle and thread so don’t you worry about that. We need some accessories though. Want to take a look?

Feather head

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Feather head (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Aztecan style (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Feather head (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


I heard Aztecans often used feathers for their festive clothes. I don’t mind what kind, just get me feathers.
Now look at that hat! Isn’t it fantastic? We even have some left for the other costumes.

The usher

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting The usher (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Feather head (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting The usher (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Hm... I think the usher needs something special. The hat is nice and all but there’s something missing... I know! Animal skin! Sadly, we don’t have any Jaguars around. Could you look for something else that might fit?
Much better! We’re almost done!

Something sparkly

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Something sparkly (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting The usher (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Something sparkly (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Oh! You know what would be even more perfect? Gold! Aztecs loved gold, right? We could make adornments and those funny bell chains that chime while we dance!
Wow! The costumes are amazing! So sparkly! And just in time too. We need to get ready for the performance!


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Showtime (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Something sparkly (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Showtime (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Shining shoes
30 minutes

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


I’m a bit nervous... I mean, what if the bells don’t shine or the feathers fall off or- ... {PLAYER_NAME}, could you look after the costumes and Isabel please? Just to make sure everything’s alright... As you enter the dressing room, Isabel is just fixating the last feather. Beside her lays an old piece of cloth. The bells truly look a bit dull... For a moment you think about stealing the costume to get your moment of fame... Than you take the cloth and start polishing.
The performance is a huge success! After the show, Isabel and Maya thank you with a kiss on the cheek and a beer. Good you didn’t ruin her show. You’re sure the beer would have come flying then...

A personal matter

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting A personal matter (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Showtime (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting A personal matter (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Gone to pray : 1/1

Reward gfx.png

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{PLAYER_NAME}! Good you're here! The silver cross of Isabel’s grandfather is lost! Usually they put it up by the grave on Día de los muertos so he can feel at home but now they can’t find it. Her grandmother moved some days ago and left a box with disposable things for the church. They always do this auction and the money goes to charity or something... Anyways, the only place she could imagine the cross to be is that box. Talk to the reverend, pretty please!
Just as you’ve found the right words for a nice prayer, the reverend enters.

Charity auction

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Charity auction (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting A personal matter (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Charity auction (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


The reverend remembers the silver cross from back when Isabel’s grandfather was alive. He doesn’t remember seeing it in the box however. He advises you to go to the auction house and ask for the box.
The box is already out for auction. You decide the possessions of an old man won’t cost more than a few dollars and start bidding.

The Danish man

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting The Danish man (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Charity auction (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting The Danish man (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Setting up telegraph poles

Reward gfx.png

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A blond foreigner outbids you by far! Before you can even try talking him out of it, he’s left the auction house. The reverend meets you on the street. From him you hear that man is from Denmark, buying from auctions all over the county for the new Danish community he wants to build up. When you turn around, the man vanishes within a stage coach. You hurry to the telegraph station and send out a pony express to deliver your note asap. It might take until evening for a reply so you stroll to the Saloon for some time killing.
Few hours later the stage coach returns and the Danish man asks you for a word.

Hard compensation

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Hard compensation (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting The Danish man (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Hard compensation (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Picking agaves

Reward gfx.png

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The Danish man wants compensation for the box. To maintain the peace, you agree on working on his plantation for the day.
After long hours of hard work, he finally releases you smiling contently. You return to the old woman and hand her the box.

Greeting the dead

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Greeting the dead (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Hard compensation (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Greeting the dead (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


You found the box? That’s great! What did Isabel’s grandmother say? ... What do you mean ‘not there’? Aw, no! I really wished you would find it. But a photograph of him is nice too. At least it wasn’t for nothing. Hm, but if it’s without a good frame, the wind might carry it away. Couldn’t you make one for her? I’m sure she would appreciate it.
That’s so sweet of you! Just look how the old woman’s smiling! Admit it, you don’t regret one single thing.

One last attempt

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting One last attempt (Day of the Dead) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Greeting the dead (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting One last attempt (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Silver mining

Reward gfx.png

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Even though Isabel’s grandmother is already happy as it is, you want to try one last thing before giving up on the cross. The old man only died a few months ago in a mine. Maybe, just maybe the cross is still there. You ride over and ask around for the man who found the body.
You’re incredibly lucky! A coworker of the old man had found the cross near the tunnel he died in. He didn’t know much about his family nor whom else to bring it to, so he kept the silver trinket in hope someone might ask for it. Triumphant, you ride back to the widow and give her the silver cross of her husband. She’s eternally grateful and for a moment a warm breeze lifts up. When the old man comes to visit his grave on Día de los muertos, you know he’ll surely be pleased.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Scarlett (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The way is free for Scarlett and Ashley (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Forget about Ashley, run off with Rhett (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Scarlett (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
You have 21 days after accepting The BBQ (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Oh good to see you. I have a special task for you.Well... it is a bit odd. My sister Scarlett needs an accompanist for a Valentine BBQ party. You know, there is this guy hosting the party, Ashley. He is going to marry his cousin Melanie. With all her friends married Scarlett might be a little devastated, I think she liked this Ashley guy. Plus it is not suitable for a lady to go to a party on her own. So please have a look at her. The party will take place at a mansion in the north east of the map.
Thank you so much for going to the party with my sister.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting The BBQ (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The BBQ (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Damage taken from jobs: 50/50

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Scarlett: Ah there you are! Maya already told me about you. You will be my company for the party tonight.I am very excited about this party. The reason is the guy from the ranch next door: Ashley. Shush Ashley...He is so handsome and awesome and great. I only want to go to this party to confess my never-ending love to him. And you need to help me with that.Can you distract the other party guests so I can speak to Ashley in private? How? Well, do something like... get yourself hurt at a job, feign an accident and cause a big turmoil ok?
You did your best to distract the party guests with your feigned accident. As the turmoil is over, you find a devastated Scarlett. You jump over to her and ask what has happened.Scarlett: Ohhhohohohoho. He refused me. Ashley refused me. I confessed my love and all he says is that he and Melanie are going go marry soon.

Another confession

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting Another confession (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting The BBQ (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting Another confession (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00


Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


As you comfort Scarlett you notice a man watching you from a far distance. He seems to want something. Can he have overheard the embarrassing talk between Scarlett and Ashley? That would be a scandal. As you hurry over to ask about that he disappears in a yellow grain field. You decide to search the field. The man disappeared in a field. Search the field by doing jobs that are available on this location.
You did not manage to find the man but found a letter. It contains a love confession for Scarlett.Scarlett: A love confession? From Rhet? Oh no, this will never happen. Rhet is a man from the neighborhood. People are talking rumors about him. He has been disowned by his family. I will never marry somebody like him.

A husband in need 1

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting Another confession (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Another confession (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting A husband in need 1 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Slept: 1/1

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Suddenly the BBQ is over; war has been declared. All young men are rushing from the party to enlist into the military. You see Ashley kissing his beloved Melanie goodbye. Scarlett seems infuriated.Scarlett: War? And Ashley did not even wave me goodbye. This kiss should have belonged to me. You know what: I am so mad about Ashley and Melanie. All young men will quickly want to marry a girl before leaving to fight. Quick, find me a better man than Ashley. Phew, I will have the last laugh! He will realize what he is missing when it is too late.Phew, this lady is really annoying. You promise her to find a man. But where? The BBQ was exhausting and your feign accident still hurts. You decide to sleep over it and start your search tomorrow.
Oops, you wake up the next morning a bit late... You should not have stayed in the saloon so long. All good men seem to have left already for that war. This is not good. Scarlett will be mad.

A husband in need 2

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting A husband in need 2 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting A husband in need 1 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting A husband in need 2 (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You really screwed up. You need to find a husband for Scarlett quick. You promised Maya to watch her little sister. You decide to have a look throughout the county. Somebody must still be here and not at war who is no scoundrel, deserter or grandpa.
Finally you found a match. Well... If you want to call it that. You found Melanies' shy sickly brother who is secretly in love with Scarlett.Scarlett: Are you serious? This is the only match you could find? Well, I do not love him, but I am too furious and disappointed to refuse. Ashley will realize that I am the one and not Melanie when he cannot have me anymore.

An unexpected death

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting An unexpected death (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting A husband in need 2 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting An unexpected death (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00


Go to:
Scarlett's summer stay.png
Shoeing Horses

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Some weeks later... You return to the mansion to have a look at Scarlett. She seems happy. You wonder what happened.Scarlett: Oh did you hear? My husband has died. The sickly one I married only because I was furious at Ashley. It was the measles. Well anyways, my mother plans to send me to the big ranch in the south to cheer me up. That is close to the place where Ashley is stationed. Maybe I can find him there. Help me to prepare my voyage.
You help Scarlett to saddle her horses and escort her to her new home.

The charity party

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's summer stay.png
Go to:
Scarlett's summer stay.png

After accepting The charity party (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting An unexpected death (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting The charity party (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Money spent at mobile trader: 1000/1000

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


After some time in her new home Scarlett seems pretty bored. No sign of Ashley either. She decides to go on the charity bazaar of the Union Pacific Store. Ladies are volunteering to dance with the big spending benefactors. You join her.Scarlett: Gentlemen are invited to buy stuff from the Union Pacific Store Mobile Trader. The money earned will be donated for charity. How about you? If you want to dance with me, raise some money.Why not, you are a big fan of charity anyways.
The traveling merchant is a tab in the union pacific store. Click on shop and select the second tab.

Finding Ashley - peacefully

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's summer stay.png
Go to:
Scarlett's summer stay.png

After accepting Finding Ashley - peacefully (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Finding Ashley - peacefully (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting The charity party (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting Finding Ashley - rowdily (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Jobs finished: 50/50

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Some days later...Scarlett: I really want to see Ashley again. He is my big love. I know he is married to Melanie, but cant you please find out where he is stationed? Maybe I can convince him that I am the right one.Uff, Scarlett is really in feverish love with Ashley. You decide to help her. Maybe then she realizes that this is in vain. Rhet seems to be a nice guy. You decide to ask around doing some jobs.
You finally managed to find out where Ashley is stationed. Scarlett hurries to meet him. He refuses her again, but still is fooled by his manly desires and kisses Scarlett before leaving. Scarlett promises him not to tell Melanie, who is pregnant of Ashley and take care of her.

Finding Ashley - rowdily

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's summer stay.png
Go to:
Scarlett's summer stay.png

After accepting Finding Ashley - rowdily (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Finding Ashley - rowdily (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting The charity party (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting Finding Ashley - peacefully (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Bandit duels won: 25/25

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Some days later...Scarlett: I really want to see Ashley again. He is my big love. I know he is married to Melanie, but cant you please find out where he is stationed? Maybe I can convince him that I am the right one.Uff, Scarlett is really in feverish love with Ashley. You decide to help her. Maybe then she realizes that this is in vain. Rhet seems to be a nice guy. You decide to ask around beating up some scoundrels. They always know what has happened.
You finally managed to find out where Ashley is stationed. Scarlett hurries to meet him. He refuses her again, but still is fooled by his manly desires and kisses Scarlett before leaving. Scarlett promises him not to tell Melanie, who is pregnant of Ashley and take care of her.

Flight home

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's summer stay.png
Go to:
Scarlett's summer stay.png

After accepting Flight home (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Flight home (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Finding Ashley - peacefully (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
You have 20 days after accepting Finding Ashley - rowdily (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
You have to finish quest Flight home (Repeatable holiday quests) in 24 hours
Finish Flight home (Repeatable holiday quests) in 24 hours
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png
Repairing a covered wagon

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Some days later... Scarlett's dreams and desires for Ashley are fiercely interrupted. War has come to Scarlett's new home. The city is sacked and burning. You need to flee quick.Scarlett: Hurry up, we need to get out of here. The wagon is destroyed by fire, you need to repair it for us to be able to get away.You hurry up repairing the wagon. But will you be able to make it in time? Bring Scarlett home, back to the old mansion.
Suddenly Rhet has one of his unexpected appearances. He shows up with horses and a fully intact wagon to save his beloved Scarlett. How nice.After he got Scarlett out of danger he is off to sign up for the army to win this war for her.

The burned home

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

Character class: Soldier
Character class: Dueller
After accepting The burned home (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The burned home (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Flight home (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Experience gained in bandit duels: 150/150

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


You finally return home to the ranch. War has raged here. The land has been plundered and burned down. Scarlett is desperate.You decide to help her. As you are a soldier / duelist you know how to deal with the dirty scoundrels that are still roaming and looting in the area.
With your drive for action you have comforted Scarlett.Scarlett: Thank you for the help. I hereby vow to do anything for the survival of my family. I will keep the ranch together.

The burned home

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

Character class: Adventurer
Character class: Worker
After accepting The burned home (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The burned home (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Flight home (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Build irrigation system
Repair fences

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


You finally return home to the ranch. War has raged here. The land has been plundered and burned down. Scarlett is desperate.You decide to help her. As you are a worker / adventurer you know how to roll up your sleeves and do the jobs that need to be done.
With your drive for action you have comforted Scarlett.Scarlett: Thank you for the help. I hereby vow to do anything for the survival of my family. I will keep the ranch together.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting Taxes (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Taxes (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting The burned home (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
You have 20 days after accepting The burned home (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Some time later... The war has ended and Ashley has returned home to Melanie. But he is not the same anymore. He is no big help to keep together the ranchScarlett: I do not know what to do. The Reconstructionist raised so high taxes. I cannot pay them. Can you find Rhet? Why no surprise appearance from him? Maybe he can help. He was always my hero. Ashley is no big help here. You have no clue where Rhet is. Maybe you find out something by doing jobs at a location like a blackboard.
You did not find Rhet but a letter that tells you that he is a war prisoner and all his money has been frozen until his trail. He will not be able to help..

Husband No 2

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting Husband No 2 (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Husband No 2 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Taxes (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Amount deposited into a foreign bank: 500/500

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


With Rhet behind bars it is up to you to help Scarlett. Her only way out is marrying a rich man that favors her. This way she will never find true love. She did so much for her family, to hold together the ranch. You decide to pay for her. You have to pay money into the bank of the Reconstructionists, meaning another bank than the one in your town.
Scarlett: Your money was not accepted by the bank because only family members can pay this debt. The only solution I have right now is to marry the rich Mister Kennedy. He is the owner of a store and a mill here in town. I will never find my true love if I have to do this. But I vowed to do everything for my family..

The big ambush

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting The big ambush (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The big ambush (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Husband No 2 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Some time later...Scarlett has married Mr. Kennedy to keep the mansion and pay the taxes. She is working day and night in the mill to earn enough money to pay the taxes. Everything goes quite well. Some time later, Rhet comes out of jail finally. She gives former war prisoners, like Rhet, the opportunity to work for her which causes her mistrust and hatred from the neighbors. They threaten Scarlett to burn down the property.One night, the ranch will be ambushed... You need to be prepared. You decide to supply Rhet, Scarlett, Ashley and Mr Kennedy with weapons. You can buy these items in the gunsmith of a town or at the market. Every town offers different items.
You managed to take revenge. A big fight is happening at the mill. In the trouble, Scarlett's husband Mr. Kennedy and Ashley's wife Melanie were killed. The way is free for her and Ashley now. What should Scarlett do?

The way is free for Scarlett and Ashley

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting The way is free for Scarlett and Ashley (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The way is free for Scarlett and Ashley (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting The big ambush (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting Forget about Ashley, run off with Rhett (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Gone to pray : 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward bonds.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward sp.png


Scarlett: My husband is dead. Melanie, the wife of Ashley is dead, too. Poor Ashley. I should comfort him. But Rhet, the heroic baseborn, he managed to save my life so often. Whom should I pick?You tell Scarlett to comfort Ashley in church.
Scarlett decided for Ashley. He is the love of her life, or at least she thinks so. And maybe, some day he will love her, too. Together they sit in the church praying for a better tomorrow.

Forget about Ashley, run off with Rhett

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Scarlett's home.png
Go to:
Scarlett's home.png

After accepting Forget about Ashley, run off with Rhett (Gone with the Valentine's Day) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Forget about Ashley, run off with Rhett (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting The big ambush (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting The way is free for Scarlett and Ashley (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Distance travelled: 1000/1000

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward bonds.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward sp.png


Scarlett: My husband is dead. Melanie, the wife of Ashley is dead, too. Poor Ashley. I should comfort him. But Rhet, the heroic baseborn, he managed to save my life so often. Whom should I pick?You tell Scarlett to start a new life with Rhet.
Scarlett decided for Rhet. Ashley was just a fantasy. Together they leave the mansion and ride towards the sunset, into a better tomorrow.

A turkey for Grinch

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You can complete this quest on a Monday
You can complete this quest on a Wednesday
You can complete this quest on a Saturday

After accepting A turkey for Grinch (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
This quest is only available from 09/12 at 06:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
09/12 06:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 06/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 06/01/2023 23:59


Shoot Angry Customer
Shoot Angry Customer

"Howdy, {PLAYER_NAME}! What's that shouting about? Can you please have a look?" As you go outside you see a grizzled old man with wild, grey hair leaning from an open window above. He has a nightcap on and is grinning like a lunatic. The very moment he sees you he shouts: "You there! Run down to the market and pick me up a turkey! The very best! And quick!". It's the Christmas season after all so you head off to get him the very best turkey you can find. As you leave the shop, a heavy hand lands on your shoulder: "Not so fast... I saw that one first. Hand it over!" You turn to find yourself facing an angry man with his fists raised. You drop the bird and get ready to defend yourself.
You haul the turkey back up the street to the crazy old man, who is waiting for you, waving his arms and whooping at passers-by. His eyes light up at the sight of the turkey over your shoulder: "You did it! You did it! Merry Christmas! This is for you!"Flying from the window comes a large chest, which lands with a thump at your feet. The old man disappears from the window and it slams shut with a bang. You reach down and lift your present from the snow.

The determined Indian

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 07/02 at 10:00 until the 02/03 at 23:59
07/02 10:00 - 02/03 23:59
After accepting Late at night (One foolish Romeo) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The determined Indian (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Greetings, friend. I have a favor to ask. My friend Chatan is determined to get married soon. He is a Lakota which means he is wearing a blanket over his arm so the world knows - Chatan is looking for a bride. It’s a silly custom and Chatan is not the brightest when it comes to women. He won’t listen to me, but if you talked to him... Help him in my stead.
Thank you many times! You will find him in the village South of here.

Masters of love

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting The determined Indian (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Masters of love (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Ah! You are Waupee's friend! You can help me with women. Come and see. That is who I picked. Aiyana. She is the flower of my village. She will be a good wife. We Lakota belief in elks when it comes to finding the right wife. Elks are strong and have many women. Can you get one elk horn for me? You start searching for elks but they are hard to find and much bigger than you had remembered. On your way you see a cowboy and decide to ask for his advice.
The cowboy laughs about your tale. You accompany him back to the cattle farm where he helps you out with an old elk horn. Chatan: My friend! You got elk magic! Give it to me, I will make a necklace.

Getting 'dressed'

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting Masters of love (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Getting 'dressed' (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Picking berries

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


I should look good too. I will search for the powder and you can go and find some berries. We meet again when the sky is on fire.
With great curiosity you watch as Chatan mixes some berry juice with a strange red powder, turning it into paint. His fingers spread the Indian marks his face with thick lines. Chatan: How do I look?

Masters of Song

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting Getting 'dressed' (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Masters of Song (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Mistress of Song (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


It is tradition for Lakota to have a special song for love but our Shaman doesn’t sing. Can you ask in the other tribes for a shaman that has songs for me? I will stay and impress Aiyana. A song... he really wants a song. With a sigh, you ask around for a shaman with songs but there seems to be no Lakota around for miles. You end up in the saloon with Maya.
You have one! Great Spirit, my song! Chatan runs off in excitement and soon after you hear the soft voice of a flute play it’s way through Waupee’s composition... it goes on for hours. Finally Chatan returns. Chatan: Aiyana is not the right woman for me. She does not like my song. I will wait for another woman.

Mistress of Song

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
After accepting Mistress of Song (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Last resort (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Well, hi there! What? A song? Oh, sure, no problem. Oh... I don’t think I’m the right person you’re talking to after all. Why don’t you and Waupee come up with something?
There you go! Sounds just lovely!

Last resort

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
After accepting Last resort (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Picking corn

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Ha-ha! He wants what? A song? No wonder you couldn’t find a shaman. We don’t sing here. Chatan is new and he doesn’t know about our customs yet and that is why he won’t do well with our women. But a song... I need inspiration. Let us go to the corn fields, I used to sing a lot as a boy. Maybe an idea will strike me.
We did it! I didn’t believe this would be so much fun! I should sing more often! But enough of that, hurry back to Chatan. He will be waiting for you.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting Masters of Song (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Moccasins (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


My friend! Come, quick! You see that woman? She is my wife, I’m sure! Kanti is from a good family and she can make moccasins and her father is a guided man. But I feel I need more elk magic to impress her. If you bring my sister wool, she can knot elks onto my blanket.
Oh! You were riding on the wind! It means you have fire in your heart, my friend and so do I! Let us search for my wife and embrace her with all my elk magic!

A confession

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting Moccasins (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting A confession (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Selling newspaper 'The Western Star'

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


She was not the right one... I don’t understand. I have so much magic now but the women don’t seem attracted to me at all! Do not worry, I will play my song until- You interrupt him quickly and confess about the false love song. To your surprise, Chatan laughs heavily at that. Chatan: Even better! A song from my friends’ wishes! Let us sing together and wait! Did you see her? There behind the bushes! She heard me play and... Oh, it must be my wife! Did you see those eyes? And the hair, as dark as the night itself! But... I do not know her name. Help me find her and I promise I will not bother you any longer. You wonder if he’s learned anything at all but you go back to town to search. If someone knows that girl it’s the newsies. Those boys have their eyes and ears everywhere.
A Sioux! Great Spirit, she is a Sioux! But then it is useless. She will never be mine. Chatan looks devastated, even more than before. Maybe this one is his true love after all. You decide to help him no matter the consequences!

The plan

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting A confession (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting The plan (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Mow pasture

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Give up. Sioux fathers never let their daughters marry unless the suitor was successful in many horse raids. I am a warrior, not a thief. Lakota don’t steal! You tell Chatan of your big plan. You will lend the horses so Chatan can ‘steal’ them from you. After the wedding you simply return them and everyone will be happy! Well, everyone except the father but once married there is nothing he can do about it. Chatan is not sure but agrees to give it a try. You visit the farm of a friend of yours and lend him a hand with work to discuss the matter.
The man agrees with a hint of a smile under his fuzzy beard. Soon after you have a small herd of lovely horses neighing at you.

People with guns

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting The plan (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting People with guns (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Chase away highwaymen
30 minutes

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


With the horses in tow, you walk the street back to town. As planned, Chatan comes rushing towards you to take the horses but some other men hinder him. Within seconds they hold their guns into your face. That wasn’t the plan.
With loud yelling and gunfire, Chatan chases them away. You act the surprised peasant and watch him take your horses and ride off. Later on you meet in his village. It seems, Waupee has spread some word about Chatan to help him, but it doesn’t impress the Sioux father yet.

One more time

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting People with guns (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting One more time (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Item Mustang bought

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


My heart is burning! What is this? How can I give up now? Buy me a horse I can gift to the father. The Great Spirit told me, she is the right one and by my elk magic, I will do everything to make her my wife!
He didn’t take the horse... Waupee says Sioux fathers sometimes wait for hundreds of horses until they give their daughters away. It cannot be done. Broken hearted, Chatan throws his blanket to the ground and leaves. You look at the handmade blanket... and follow your friend. Time for some distraction.

Late at night

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

This quest is only available from 07/02 at 00:00 until the 03/03 at 23:59
07/02 00:00 - 03/03 23:59
You have 30 days after accepting One more time (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
After accepting Late at night (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

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Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward sp.png


Late in the night the two of you return from the Saloon, Chatan a bit funnier than appropriate but still walking more or less straight. You giggle and curse and scare people on your way. As you approach Chatans tipi, he hits you in the side heavily! The Sioux girl! Wrapped in Chatan’s blanket, she’s standing there, waiting. Carefully, Chatan steps closer and the girl opens her arms. Taipa: My name is Taipa and I've chosen my husband.
The girl had been waiting there ever since Chatan had left the Sioux village, as it turned out. Chatan looked happy enough after he was capable of realizing the situation. You leave the soon to be weds with a warm feeling of elk magic and lovey-dovey in your chest, whistling a little tune into the night air.

Valentine's Day Delivery 1

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 5 (Love is in the air) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 1 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Hearts sent to other players: 20/20
SES: 50 (Hearts)
Hey there. I almost forgot to send out some hearts for Valentine's Day. Can you help me with that? What? Why are there so many hearts? Well, a sheriff feels lonely sometimes in the vast prairie... Send hearts to your friends via the friends bar.
Well done! Here is your reward.

Valentine's Day Delivery 2

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 20 days after accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 1 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
After accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 2 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Hearts sent to other players: 100/100
SES: 100 (Hearts)
I saw you delivered some hearts for the sheriff. You know that I am a shy guy and I spend so much time in the saloon that I do not get to meet many ladies. Can you send out some Valentine's hearts for me too? Send hearts to your friends via the friends bar.
Well done! Here is your reward.

Valentine's Day Delivery 3

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 3 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 2 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Hearts sent to other players: 200/200
SES: 150 (Hearts)
You are the special Valentine Delivery man?I need to send all my admirers a Valentines wish to keep them coming to my shows. Send hearts to your friends via the friends bar.
Well done! Here is your reward.

Valentine's Day Delivery 4

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
After accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 4 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 3 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Hearts sent to other players: 300/300
SES: 200 (Hearts)
Can you send out some Valentine's greetings for me too? I have a heart for everybody in my tribe for you to deliver. Send hearts to your friends via the friends bar.
Well done! Here is your reward.

Valentine's Day Delivery 5

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 5 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 20 days after accepting Valentine's Day Delivery 4 (Repeatable holiday quests)
20 days
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
Hearts received from other players: 200/200
SES: 250 (Hearts)
Hey you almost forgot to take your own Valentine's greetings. Send hearts to your friends via the friends bar. Some may return the favor.
Well done! Here is your reward.

This is the end

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting This is the end (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting This is the end (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Attack! (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
All the newspapers are talking about our great victory. Apparently you helped a lot in the construction of West Point. How do I know? The courier left me a package for you and a bit of hot gossip too.
On the package you see the seal of West Point. Maybe this is from MacDougall or from Kościuszko? You already know that you will never forget this day, the world will never forget! Duty, honor, victory! What an amazing feeling!

Urgent call

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
This quest is only available from 24/06 at 00:00 until the 29/07 at 23:59
24/06 00:00 - 29/07 23:59
After accepting Urgent call (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Urgent call (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days





Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


{PLAYER_NAME}! You always seem to know when you need to visit the saloon. I received a very important telegram. My friends need help with this war - we are fighting for our rights!The Sheriff drinks a glass of whiskey and tries to make eye contact with you.I know, you are a good man. Can you help us to get ready for our trip?
What do we have here? Food, animal skins, water... Perfect! Remember, tomorrow before dawn we will depart.

Let's go!

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
This quest is only available between 06:00 and 11:00 o'clock
06:00 - 11:00
After accepting Let's go! (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Urgent call (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
Duels won: 5/5

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


It is time! We have to go now! I don't like traveling in this unbearable heat, but we have to reach the Old Outpost today. My friend is waiting there.You head South. Along the way you notice a few robbed stagecoaches. After a few hours you meet bandits, looking for an easy catch during these uncertain times of war.
Good to have you here. I don't know how you did it, but you knocked out 5 bandits all at the same time. You will be a legend!

Engineer from Europe

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Old Outpost.png
Go to:
Old Outpost.png

After accepting Engineer from Europe (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Engineer from Europe (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Let's go! (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


The Old Outpost looks like one big military camp, the soldiers preparing themselves for an attack. You join a conversation between the sheriff and his friend and learn that an engineer from central Europe will arrive at the port shortly.
After a couple of hours you and the engineer arrive at the Old Outpost. The only thing that's on your mind now is sleep!

Where is he?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Old Outpost.png
Go to:
Old Outpost.png

After accepting Where is he? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Where is he? (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Engineer from Europe (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Putting up posters

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Engineer Kościuszko: I need to meet with MacDougall. I am working with him on a secret project which will help us to win this war. Do you know where I can find him?You promise to find this man for him. Hmm, what was his name again...?
Engineer Kościuszko: You didn't find him, did you? Heh, I understand. You believe someone knows him, so you put up some posters. Well, we have to wait then. But thank you very much for the corn.

At the crossroad

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting At the crossroad (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting At the crossroad (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Where is he? (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Slept: 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Listen to me, {PLAYER_NAME}! I don't have much time. I must go to Fort Mencer immediately! Ah, when will the war end? I have a special task for you. You must find MacDougall for Kociuszko. Stay with him and protect him. Oh, and one more thing, go and get some rest, you look really tired.
You are sleeping, but some terrible noise awakes you. Something is going on, something bad. The Old Outpost is no longer a safe place to be.

Safely to your destination

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Old Outpost.png
Go to:
Old Outpost.png

After accepting Safely to your destination (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Safely to your destination (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting At the crossroad (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Go to:
The riverbed.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Somebody enters your tent. You grab your gun and are ready to defend yourself.The stranger: Don't shoot. I am Portai. I saw your poster. MacDougall is by the river. They have chosen a place to build a new fortification. You should leave immediately and find him. It is not safe anymore, they are attacking us.
After a few days, you and the engineer arrive at the river. Suddenly you think about that night and you start to tremble right away.That was terrible...

But what's the matter?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

After accepting But what's the matter? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting But what's the matter? (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Safely to your destination (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Building a bridge

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


You have found the camp by the riverside. From a distance, someone shouts at you: Where have you been? How long do I have to wait? As you ride closer, you recognize the man - it is MacDougall. He gives you a hammer and tells you to go to the construction site right away.
MacDougall: I am really sorry, I thought you were one of the workers. {PLAYER_NAME}, thank you! You found the engineer. He is our expert on fortifications.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

After accepting Enemies (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Enemies (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting But what's the matter? (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Bandit duels won: 10/10

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


MacDougall: The British Army has left the Tallars-Point. This is bad news, but of course we have a chance to defend this place when they attack us. The construction is not yet finished, however. For some strange reason, they moved to Continental Village, and later left for Peekskill. I have to send a letter to Washington.
MacDougall: Thanks for delivering the letter. Did you bring a reply from him? Perfect. Here is a list of what we need.

Make it before the attack...

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

After accepting Make it before the attack... (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Make it before the attack... (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Enemies (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days




Bartering with Indians
Transport ammunition

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


MacDougall: There are a few forts in this area. In this one we also have an army. But we don't know which one they will target and attack though. It could be us! We must be prepared for this. The siege can take a few days, or even weeks. Yesterday I gave you a list with the needed products. Use it!
MacDougall: Perfect, you did a great job. Now, go and rest please. Tomorrow morning I will have a new task for you.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

After accepting Bodyguards (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Bodyguards (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Make it before the attack... (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Adventures played: 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward veteran.png


MacDougall: Washington will be in the fort nearest to us. He will have his headquarters there. He sent us a couple of cannons, but the transport was attacked and the cannons were taken. I heard it was some gang from Tombstone. Well, you know what you have to do, don't you?
MacDougall: You have the cannons? Very good. We are lucky that they didn't sell them to the British Army. I have something for you, this will give you some energy.

Final preparations

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

After accepting Final preparations (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Final preparations (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Bodyguards (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


MacDougall: The enemy has fortified the forts he has conquered. Yesterday they went on a reconnaissance mission in our region. A branch made up of 200 light cavalry went as far as Crom-Pond. They surprised our people, some were killed and about 30 men fell into captivity. Do you know what this means? They will attack us soon. I need only one more thing from you, our banners.
MacDougall: Did you hoist our flags on each tower? You are invaluable. Let them see us from a distance. We will not give up!


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The riverbed.png
Go to:
The riverbed.png

After accepting Attack! (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Attack! (West Point) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Final preparations (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Fort battle won: 1/1

You are busy eating your soup when you hear the rallying cry: "To arms! To arms! They are attacking us!" You grab your rifle and go to help defend West Point.
After winning the battle, on your way back to your barracks, you notice your old friend Sheriff John with a bottle of whiskey.

It is me, Master of Events

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Böllerschießen (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting It is me, Master of Events (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00







Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Oh, {PLAYER_NAME}, good to see you here. I am so excited. The mayor chose me! Do you understand what this means? Yes, I am the Master of Events, ha! I have to prepare the Oktoberfest! Of course, if you wish, I would be more than happy if you could help me, as always. You can be my right hand, like co-master... Haha! I want to do a special Oktoberfest menu, so you could help me with finding all the products. Go, go, we don't have a lot of time.
Very, very good. So now I can start cooking.

What is the most important thing on Oktoberfest?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting What is the most important thing on Oktoberfest? (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting What is the most important thing on Oktoberfest? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting It is me, Master of Events (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Mh-mh, I think I am not the best Master of Events. I forgot that I don't have good beer. In my saloon you can find everything, whiskey, vodka, tequila... What? You know someone who brews a special beer? Hmm... If you can... I can pay you for this.
Very tasty! Maybe you can give me the recipe, if it is not a secret.

Traditional clothes

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Traditional clothes (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Traditional clothes (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting What is the most important thing on Oktoberfest? (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00

Putting up posters
Selling newspaper 'The Western Star'

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hi, {PLAYER_NAME}. Maya is waiting for you. She promised me to make traditional clothes for the Oktoberfest, but she needs some stuff. And you can do one more thing for me too. I hope you will have time to distribute my flyers.
Thank you for your help. Today you can rest, but come back to me tomorrow.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Seamstress (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Seamstress (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting What is the most important thing on Oktoberfest? (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00







Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Henry told you what I need? Yes, I have to make traditional Oktoberfest clothes. I will need fabric, wool, cotton... and also feathers, gold dust and beaver skin.
Perfect! Come back to me tomorrow morning please.

A flower queen

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting A flower queen (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting A flower queen (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Seamstress (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


I finished sewing the costumes for Henry. But I have another request for you. On the first Sunday of Oktoberfest there will be a fancy-dress parade. I so want to win the gold medal! I have to have a perfect outfit for that. So... I think I will go as a flower queen. You know, some flowers, and blades of grass... You know what to do, I think...
You are always so nice to me. Thank you so much. Ah, and here is the bundle with the clothes for Henry. Give it to him, please.

It is tomorrow

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting It is tomorrow (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting It is tomorrow (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Traditional clothes (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00
Build railroad station
Protecting the wagon train

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


I am quite nervous. The Oktoberfest will start tomorrow. Hmm... Are we ready for it? Let me check. Chicken, steaks, sausage, beer, decoration... I am sure that I forgot something, but what can it be? The guests! Of course! How could I forget about the most important people! They are at the train station. Can you help me out here?
Good job. You must be very hungry. All day you have done everything I asked of you, so now I will provide you with something special to eat in return.

First Oktoberfest Saturday

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting First Oktoberfest Saturday (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting First Oktoberfest Saturday (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting It is tomorrow (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Psst… {PLAYER_NAME}. Come over here. From here you can see better. Now the Mayor will tap the first barrel of beer. This is fantastic. Do you see all the people? I think we don't have enough food. Maybe you can catch some fish?
Excellent! I have to take care of my costumers, but you can now enjoy the party. Have fun, {PLAYER_NAME}!

Music band

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Music band (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Music band (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting First Oktoberfest Saturday (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00
You have 21 days after accepting The show (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


You see that everybody enjoys the festivities and is having fun. After some time, you notice that Henry's face is totally red and he is close to crying. You decide to walk over and ask what happened.Henry: What happened? I paid for a band to play some music, but they didn't show up. I have neither the money nor the time to find a new band. So what can I do? I don't know... It was stupid of me to pay them before the act. Hmm... So you and Maya can do a show? Oh, that would be wonderful! Please, make the people dance and sing and be happy!
The people loved your show. It was fantastic!

The show

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting The show (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The show (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting First Oktoberfest Saturday (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


You want me to do a show? Hmm... But only if you come with me. We will need some oranges and Fool's gold. Don't worry, I have idea. The people will love it.
You are a really good actor! I hope Henry is happy again. All these people drink beer and eat a lot. I think they liked the show.

The first Sunday

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting The first Sunday (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The first Sunday (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting The show (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00

Repairing a covered wagon

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Once again, thank you for all that you did for me yesterday. But still we don't have a music band for the next days. And for today... it is the day of the fancy-dress parade. Maya will be sad, she really likes this day. I had a dream that I would give Maya a bouquet of flowers when she appears on the scene. And now? No music, no flowers, no parade...
What, you did what? You found the band? Oh, they had an accident? Well, that's too bad but good to know. Oh, and you brought me flowers too? Wow, you are amazing. Look at Maya... she is so beautiful!

Something bad

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting Something bad (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Something bad (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting The first Sunday (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00
Bandit duels won: 5/5

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


{PLAYER_NAME}, I need you right now. Do you see the man over there? I think he is a thief and I think he is not working alone. Today, five people have already told me that they were robbed. I will go to the right, and you go to the left. Keep your eyes open.
We downed all of them I hope. Thanks for the help. And drink some beer, it's really good this year.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
After accepting Böllerschießen (Oktoberfest is coming) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Böllerschießen (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Something bad (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
This quest is only available from 05/09 at 12:00 until the 10/10 at 12:00
05/09 12:00 - 10/10 12:00

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward sp.png


Hello, my friend. I know you are strong. Maybe you can help me to roll a cannon. Because today, on the last day of the Oktoberfest, we have a special event where we fire a cannon in celebration. It is an old german tradition called zligen. I don't know if there is an English word for it. Maybe you want to try it with me, Henry and John?
Ah, my ears! But it was fun! The event is ending soon, so... let's have some more beer!

Maya asked

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Maya asked (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Maya asked (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Hi {PLAYER_NAME}, how are you? Good to hear! The Day of the Dead is coming. Last year we had a party in the saloon, but this year I want to celebrate it with a Mexican family. That must be an awesome fiesta. I heard from Isabella that it is three amazing days with flowers, dancing... Eh... Maybe you know a Mexican family? And can you ask them to invite me? Really? You know some and will ask? Wonderful!
So? What did they say? Ok, I will be patient. Just tell me when you know more please.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Invitation (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Invitation (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Maya asked (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00



Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Tell me, did they agree? Please! Haha, you always surprise me. Of course I will be ready, just tell me when. Tomorrow? Perfect! It would be nice if we had a present for your friend. What can we bring them? No... Tequila is not the best idea. I am sure his Mexican tequila is far better than ours. Maybe some cigars?
Yes, I am ready. And you got some Tequila too? Why? Do you want to compare it with the Mexican one? Ok. Good night and see you tomorrow.

Time to go

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting Time to go (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Time to go (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Invitation (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00
Go to:
The Mexican.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Oh, {PLAYER_NAME}, I am so excited. We are going to experience a real Day of the Dead! Isabella told me something about this. People celebrate the dead for three days. The original name is Día de Muertos and it starts on the 31st of October. If I understand correctly, this is the day for preparation. And on the following two days everyone feasts, eats and dances...While you travel, Maya tells you everything she learned from Isabella.
Here we are. Very nice place! But I am so tired, I need to go to sleep. See you.

My Mexican friend

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting My Mexican friend (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting My Mexican friend (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Time to go (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00
Slept: 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Welcome my dear friend! Are you hungry? Your pretty companion went to sleep, but you can't refuse a glass of the best tequila, can you?After a few glasses of Tequila...You want to know more about our tradition which sounds so strange to you? How it is possible for us Mexicans to celebrate the dead? Hmm, we do not celebrate death. We celebrate that the departed are with us. They come to visit us from the hereafter for a happy reunion. We can share everything with them. We are not sad, we dance and have fun, because we have a chance to celebrate life! Oh, my head... I think I have to go sleep, too much tequila.
Good morning! Did you sleep well?

All Hallows Eve

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting All Hallows Eve (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting All Hallows Eve (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting My Mexican friend (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00




Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


SES: 20 (DayOfDead)
Hello Maya and {PLAYER_NAME}! I hope you are ready for some hard work. After breakfast we have to prepare some things for the next couple of days. First we need paper, oranges and berries to make paper flowers. The Mexican cempasuchil is the traditional flower used to honor the dead.
I made a lot of flowers, so there are 20 for you and Maya. Why 20? In Mexico, the marigold is sometimes called Flor de Muerto, which means Flower of Dead, but their original name is Cempoalxochitl which means, "Twenty Flowers".


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting Altar (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Altar (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting All Hallows Eve (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00





Well drilling

Reward gfx.png

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Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Yes, that's right. These flowers are everywhere these days. They are used to decorate everything from graves to altars. Altars? Ah, they are for the offerings. If you want, you can come with me and help us with the offerings in my home. My mother can go to the cemetery with us later, so she can meet the dead when she has all her offerings. We place pictures of our beloved ones on the "altars", and food and beverages, so the souls of the deceased will come and visit. For you, it all must sound crazy. We even tell funny anecdotes about the deceased.
Maya cooked and prepared the most important things: skulls made of sugar and bread. We can now rest for a while.

Dead's make up

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting Dead's make up (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Dead's make up (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Altar (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00





Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Everything is ready, flowers, skulls, bread and other foods. But, if I want to be a part of a real Mexican fiesta, I need to paint my face as well. Any idea how I can make Día de Muertos make up?
Chalk, indigo, coal... just perfect. But why did you bring me the gloves? For the costume? Thank you very much, you are nice.

Your name on the Skull

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting Your name on the Skull (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Your name on the Skull (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Dead's make up (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00






Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


The offerings look fantastic! I will write down our names on the skulls. This is one of our traditions. Your name as well, but don't be scared. It does not mean that we wish you dead. We have to remember that we all are going to die one day. But life is sweet and we have to enjoy it. Oh my, I forgot about the candles and my grandpa loved the Mezcal. Where can you find some? You find Mezcal where you find tequila, and the candles... you can find through trading.
Thank you for everything. Tomorrow we will visit the cemetery. Now, sit and drink with me.

Papel picado

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting Papel picado (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Papel picado (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Your name on the Skull (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


It is also tradition to create Papel picado. This is cut paper. We are cutting the paper in different colors. Each part will tell a different story. You can try to find your story and bring it here to the offering. Where to get the paper? Hmm, that is a good question. Try somewhere where you can find things made out of paper, like a newspaper.
There you go. What does your story tell you? Haha, this is your skeleton!

Día de los Inocentes

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting Día de los Inocentes (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Día de los Inocentes (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Papel picado (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00


Gone to pray : 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Before the European people came to the newfound land, a lot of different tribes lived in Mexico, like the Aztecs. They left us an important legacy: The circle of life. Everything is cyclic, even life itself. When you die, you just transform yourself. You are a part of the world, of the universe. Everything has a balance, so the dead exist to give life. You don't have to be scared, because death is something good and necessary. The first day of November is a day for the innocent, we call it Día de los Santos Inocentes. Who is innocent? Of course, the children. This day we are going to pray for our children. On the grave of my son we will place a compass. You'll find one for me, won't you?
Thank you very much. Come with me, the best Mexican band is playing!

Todos los Santos

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting Todos los Santos (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Todos los Santos (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Día de los Inocentes (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00
Cempasúchil flowers sent to other players: 200/200
SES: 200 (DayOfDead)

On the second day we pray for all others. Enjoy the party with Maya. And give some flowers to others, to show them you care and wish them all the best and a happy life.
Wonderful, I hope you enjoyed the festivities. Here, take this. More flowers for you.

End of ceremony

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
The Mexican.png
Go to:
The Mexican.png

After accepting End of ceremony (The three-day fiesta) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting End of ceremony (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 30 days after accepting Todos los Santos (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days
This quest is only available from 18/10 at 12:00 until the 13/11 at 12:00
18/10 12:00 - 13/11 12:00

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward sp.png


Oh, that was amazing. Thank you so much and also thanks to Maya. I can't remember the last time I danced all night. Here is a little present from me too.
After a few days, you and Maya arrive back home. Maya is very happy and still wants to dance.

Snow storm

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Snow storm (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Snow storm (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Grrr... It is verrrryy cold. There is a really big snow storm outside. I need something warm, something hot. Maybe coffee will be a good idea. Can you bring me some?
Ah, you are amazing, this coffee is great, and so hot. What did you add there? Chocolate? Perfect.

Christmas tree

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Christmas tree (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Christmas tree (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Snow storm (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
You have 59 days after accepting Make a garland (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days
Felling trees

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hi there, {PLAYER_NAME}! What's up? Yes, I could use your help. As you know, it's Christmas time, but I still have no decorations in my saloon. We need a Christmas tree and maybe a garland? You can find a tree in the forest of course, and the garland... maybe ask Waupee for help.
Beautiful, the tree looks just great. Ah, and a garland too... so, so beautiful. Thanks a lot. Who is coming?

Make a garland

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Make a garland (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Make a garland (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Snow storm (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days




Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Henry needs a Christmas garland? Ok... But why are you asking me? Hmm... You need help, alright. So bring me a bit of gold dust, and some berries and oranges. Yes, yes, I know, it's winter, but I think you can find them somewhere.
Here you go, a special and aromatic garland for Henry. You can tell him that the next time he can ask me himself. No need for an errand boy. What do you want for Christmas, my dear friend?

Guest from Russia

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Guest from Russia (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Guest from Russia (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Make a garland (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png



Oh, thank you so much. Waupee told you that I don't need a gofer? Hah, I am too busy for that. Look, that man over there looks strange. He is not from around here. Maybe he is from Europe? Give him a warm beer, here! One for you, one for John and one for the stranger. And come back to me and tell me something about him.
Oh really, he is from Russia? I have to prepare a special hotel room for him. He is probably a rich man.

Say hello to a stranger

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Say hello to a stranger (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Say hello to a stranger (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Guest from Russia (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


John: Oh, {PLAYER_NAME}, this beer is for me? That's very kind of you. Please sit down. This is Borys from Russia. He was just asking me about Santa Claus and our Christmas traditions.Borys: Hi, I am Borys, nice to meet you. I want to try a traditional dish. And the beer is very good. I like.
John: What do you think about this food?Borys: Is nice, not like Russian, but it is taste good. And if you want, I can tell you something about Ded Moroz.John: Yes, please. And more beer, please!


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Warlock (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Warlock (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Say hello to a stranger (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


John: {PLAYER_NAME}, why don't you bring us a bottle of whiskey. But remember, only the finest whiskey of the house! So Borys, what is a ded moroz?Borys: Not what, who! Ded Moroz is Old Man Frost. He brings the presents for Christmas in Russia. Before he became Ded Moroz, he was a cruel wizard who froze people to death. He also stole children and put them in a big sack, and to get their kids back, their parents had to give him a present. Well, thanks to Orthodox religion Ded Moroz turned into a good citizen and since then he gives presents to the kids instead. Do you have map? I will show you where Ded Moroz lives in Belarus, in the Bialowieża Forest near the town of Kamieniuki.
John: So, the Ded Moroz was a bad character, hmm... like Ebenezer Scrooge.Borys:I do not know Ebenezer Scrooge, but yes, Ded Moroz was a bad man in the old legends.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Stepdaughter (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Stepdaughter (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Warlock (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days




Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Maya joins you at your table and takes a glass of whiskey.Maya: Hello, Borys. My grandma is from Alaska and she once told me a story about the stepdaughter of Ded Moroz. He gave her bling-bling!Borys: I am not sure. What is - bling-bling? I am sorry, but my English is not very well. But yes, we have a legend about the stepdaughter. There was woman who had a daughter and a stepdaughter. She hated the stepdaughter, so she told her husband to take his daughter into the forest and leave her there to die. And that is what he did. After a few hours, the girl meets Ded Moroz in the forest and because she was nice to him, he gave her gold and stuff. Stepmother later sends her husband back to the forest to bring back the girl's body.Maya: Yes, yes! Bling-bling is gold and such things, which he gave her. {PLAYER_NAME}, maybe you can bring us some bling-bling to show him?
Maya: See Borys, this is bling-bling.Borys: Oh, yes... I like.

Stepdaughter, part 2

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Stepdaughter, part 2 (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Stepdaughter, part 2 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Stepdaughter (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Maya: Can you continue with your story? I want to know what happened with the girl.Borys: Oh yes, of course. The husband, the father of girl, came back home with girl and all the bling-bling. The woman then decided to send her own daughter into the forest too. Daughter also met Ded Moroz, but because she was rude to him, he froze her to death.Maya: Oh no, this is a very sad story!Borys: Yes, but she was bad person, hmm... I cannot find good word for her character.
Maya: Oh, new drinks! And now tequila! Carammmba!Borys: Oh, thank you for the dictionary. So, she was like stroppy cow, or drama queen.

Grand daughter

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Grand daughter (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Grand daughter (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Stepdaughter, part 2 (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days






Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Maya: Does Ded Moroz have a family?Borys: Mhmm... In one of old legends he once had a granddaughter. Her name was Snegurochka. And she was the Snow Maid. We think she is his beloved granddaughter, but is already dead. He misses her so much that every year he makes one out of snow, so that she can help him with the presents.Maya: Oh, speaking of presents! I almost forgot about this! Can you help me with a present for Henry, Waupee and John? Maya whispers in your ear. And for Borys, too.
Thank you, sweety. I will put them all under the Christmas tree. Come back tomorrow and maybe... you will also find something for you.

Christmas time

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 13/12 at 00:00 until the 31/12 at 23:59
13/12 00:00 - 31/12 23:59
This quest is only available from 25/12/2022 at 00:00 until the 30/01/2023 at 23:59
25/12/2022 00:00 - 30/01/2023 23:59
After accepting Christmas time (Ded Moroz) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Christmas time (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 59 days after accepting Grand daughter (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days

Oh, happy times! Everybody came here to celebrate. And we have a lot of presents under our tree. Borys, this one is for you! And Maya, have this! And these are for my friends Waupee and John. Oh, and here is one for me too! And now you, my best friend {PLAYER_NAME}... Hmm there is nothing. Ah, just kidding, haha! The last one is for you. I hope that you like it.
Happy holidays my friends, and a happy new year!

Plain eggs

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Plain eggs (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Plain eggs (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00
$ 5000
$ 5000


Do you know something about the upcoming holidays? In the old days of The Wild West, you had to catch a rabbit, for which you would then receive unique items. But now you can shoot something! I've got only one question: Are you ready to take on this task?
You paid a high price for these eggs. Remember - I don't have any more of them now, so be careful what you do with them!

The first color

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting Plain eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting The first color (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The first color (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00



We need to choose the colors, this is very important! You cannot ignore the colors! The first color on my list is pink. We can make this color from wild berries that grow here and there. Just collect some and we should have a solid basis. Then we grind the berries and mix them with water, to get a fine, pinkish hue.
You're done already? That was fast. The next color won't be that easy though. Come back in a few minutes and I'll give you a list of the needed items.

The second color

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting The first color (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting The second color (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The second color (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00



Let's do blue next. As with the other one, we'll need water. I don't think that will be a problem. The basis for this color are blueberries. I know where you can find them. Go to the forest and keep looking. And hurry up, time is running out!
Well, there you are. You know, eggs spoil quickly.

The third color

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting The second color (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting The third color (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The third color (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00




Now we should aim for the red color. But this could actually be problematic. You have to go to the nearby farm and bring me a lot of tomatoes, as many as you can carry. And we need stones to mash them and extract the dye.
Yes, we did it! It's not a lot, but enough to meet our needs.

The fourth color

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting The third color (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting The fourth color (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The fourth color (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00


Violet has always been my favorite color. But I could never make it right, it always came out as something completely different. But now we really have to focus, because I absolutely want a violet egg. I will prepare the appropriate steps, and you get the right ingredients. The secret is indigo. You know how to get that, right?
Ha, I think we got this. These eggs will make me happy.

The fifth color

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting The fourth color (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting The fifth color (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The fifth color (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00



White eggs look deceptively simple, but it can be a real pain to get them this pure and white. Our manufacturing skills will be put to the test! Bring me a flower, but not just any. Look for the best Lotus flower you can find, one so perfect nobody could imagine!
You're all wet... but your sacrifice will not have been in vain. We were finally able to prepare all the dyes. Now go to Maya, she will paint the eggs for you.

Painting your eggs

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
You have 28 days after accepting The fifth color (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting Painting your eggs (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Painting your eggs (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00







Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hello there! I see you have all the colors. You did a good job with Henry. For several weeks I asked him for help, but he always said he doesn't have time. Give me the eggs and the colors, I will paint them... Could you do something else for me, please? Go to Waupee and ask him about a basket for the eggs.
How I will paint them? That's easy: First I soak them in the dye, and then create patterns. I wonder what will come of it?

A basket for your eggs

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
You have 28 days after accepting Painting your eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting A basket for your eggs (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting A basket for your eggs (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00




Howgh! I couldn't find wood to weave a basket. I came up with an idea though. An older woman who I recently helped showed me a neat trick. We will need wool, sugar and water. I hope that she didn't lie to me. She told me that wool mixed with water and sugar will make the material nice and firm. Get the ingredients and I will take care of the basket for Maya.
The basket is excellent! The old woman was right! Who would have thought that we would create something like this? I hope that Maya will be happy.

A basket full of eggs

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
You have 28 days after accepting A basket for your eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting A basket full of eggs (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting A basket full of eggs (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00


All our eggs have been dyed and they look fantastic. The basket is also beautiful, how did you make it? I have to talk to Waupee, I have never seen something like this before. Let's put the eggs in the basket. Henry will tell you what to do next.
The basket looks wonderful, but something is still missing. Perhaps Henry can tell you what to do next.

Blessing the eggs

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting A basket full of eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting Blessing the eggs (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Blessing the eggs (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00

Gone to pray : 1/1

You already have everything you need. Following an old tradition you should go to church with the basket. I don't believe it, but people say that it gives power. After that you give eggs to your friends, and they will bring them luck.
You brought the eggs to the priest and he blessed them... What, he took one for himself? Now give them to your friends and enjoy the holidays!

Make your friends happy 1

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 28 days after accepting Blessing the eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 1 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 1 (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


This egg is for me? It's perfect, how did you know I like violet?
Happy Easter, {PLAYER_NAME}!

Make your friends happy 2

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
You have 28 days after accepting Blessing the eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 2 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 2 (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


This egg is for me? It's perfect, how did you know I like red?
Happy Easter, {PLAYER_NAME}!

Make your friends happy 3

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
You have 28 days after accepting Blessing the eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 3 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 3 (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


This egg is for me? It's perfect, how did you know I like blue?
Happy Easter, {PLAYER_NAME}!

Make your friends happy 4

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
You have 28 days after accepting Blessing the eggs (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 4 (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Make your friends happy 4 (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


This egg is for me? It's perfect, how did you know I like white?
Happy Easter, {PLAYER_NAME}!

The last egg

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
You have 28 days after accepting Make your friends happy 1 (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
You have 28 days after accepting Make your friends happy 2 (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
You have 28 days after accepting Make your friends happy 3 (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
You have 28 days after accepting Make your friends happy 4 (Repeatable holiday quests)
28 days
After accepting The last egg (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The last egg (Easter basket) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 22/03 at 12:00 until the 20/04 at 12:00
22/03 12:00 - 20/04 12:00

Hey, I almost forgot! I have another egg. I used what was left of the colors and painted one just for you. I hope you like it!Maya smiles broadly at you and her eyes sparkle with happiness.
I'm really fortunate to spend the holidays with such wonderful people. I hope that you will be here to help us again next year.

The doctor

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting The doctor (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The doctor (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hello, my dear! Have you already heard the news? No? Oh, that means that I have to tell you... let's see. Who is the best man ever? Who is also the most handsome man ever? Who can help other people best? Come on, I know that you know the answer. No, it's not the sheriff, well specifically, not sheriff John with his bottle of whiskey. Well, you should really know! And no, it's also not a barber. How could you even think that! Go away! Or bring me something sweet...
Are you? Are you REALLY sorry? Oh, is this a piece of cake for me? Why, thank you so much! Oh, another one? For what? Ah, you want to know the answer... It is quite simple. The answer is a DOCTOR!

He is coming

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting He is coming (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting He is coming (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting The doctor (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59



Items bought from strangers at the market: 3/3

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward bonds.png


Oh no, no, no! I need your help. Immediately! He is coming tonight... You know, the handsome doctor. And I have nothing to wear. Please, find something for me at the market or the shop. I have to look dazzling, like a star. Of course, I am a star, the best woman in town. Some items you can buy from the trader.
Oh, this is really beautiful. Thank you very much. Here is something for you. Check the letters. Oh, I almost forgot, Henry was asking for you.

Henry's dinner

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Henry's dinner (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Henry's dinner (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting He is coming (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59








Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Thank god you are finally here! I need your help. I will also pay you this time, I promise. As you may know or not, a brilliant doctor comes to visit our town tonight. He ended university with distinction! His family must be rich or something like that. I want to invite him and his family for dinner. Everybody knows that Henry's dinners are the best in the West. So please, bring me what I need. How much will you get? Let's see... 800 $. Is that ok for you? Perfect!
Perfect timing. Thanks, mate. Take your money from my desk, I am too busy right now.

He is right here!

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting He is right here! (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting He is right here! (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Henry's dinner (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59
This quest is only available between 16:00 and 23:59 o'clock
16:00 - 23:59
Build railroad station

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hey! Want to go to the train station with me? I have to pick up our new doctor. Come with me, because if you stay in the saloon, Henry will find another job for you. And do you really want that?
Now, where is this guy? I don't see anybody! Maybe he missed his train? This woman? No, it is a doctor, women don't study.

Asking the woman

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting Asking the woman (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Asking the woman (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Telegrams (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59
Open window Hotel
This quest is only available between 16:00 and 23:59 o'clock
16:00 - 23:59

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Did you check the left side? Where is he? Maybe he is in the saloon. I am going back to the saloon. What are you doing? Are you crazy?Henry decides to go back to town. You are slowly approaching the woman, who is standing with several suitcases at the station. The woman is smartly dressed, wears pants and smiles at you.Woman: Hello! I am the new doctor. Somebody was supposed to pick me up. Are you going to escort me into town? Wonderful! You were here before, with the other man. You didn't expect a woman, did you? Oh, I have an invitation for dinner? By whom? I see. But first I would like to rest a bit at the hotel. My name? I am Jane, nice to meet you
Thank you. You can tell your friends that I will be in the saloon tonight. I just have to freshen up a bit first. It was a long trip.

Dinner with the doctor

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
After accepting Dinner with the doctor (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Dinner with the doctor (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Asking the woman (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


So is he coming or not? I am asking because John told us that he may not come after all. Nobody was on the train! Really? How could John have missed him! Not that anything surprises me, you know, I've seen everything in this prairie. Oh, look! An amazing and beautiful woman has just entered my saloon... Is she the doctor's wife? She IS the doctor? Oh... my... lord!Henry greets the special guest and invites her to the table. You help him serve the meals and sit down with the new doctor for dinner. You don't have a welcome present for the new resident of your town. Or maybe... Women love flowers. Check if you can find any flowers in the some berries area.
Well, that's very kind of you. Where did you find white roses here?

A horse for the new doctor

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
After accepting A horse for the new doctor (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting A horse for the new doctor (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Dinner with the doctor (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59

Catching horses
Breaking in horses

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Psst! {PLAYER_NAME}, who is she? A doctor? Huh, that is impressive. A woman doctor! I need your help. My best friend, Sullyvan, a member of my tribe, thinks that he is in love with her. He asked me what he can do for her, you know, to make her happy. Ok, she needs a horse. Good to know, but where can he find a horse for her? It can't be a wild animal. You want to help? You are so great.
I love this horse. I am not going to ask how you managed to catch and tame a horse in just one day.

Waupee's friend needs help

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
After accepting Waupee's friend needs help (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Waupee's friend needs help (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting A horse for the new doctor (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59
Go to:
Waupee's Indian village.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hurry up! Sullyvan is sick! I mean really, really sick, he can die! I need your help! No, I can and will not ask the doctor for help. It is about my friend, and he is in love with her. He gave her a white horse, remember? And now he is ashamed to ask her for her help. In our tribe, the men must be strong and never whine! Heh, what are you doing?You run to the doctor's office and tell her what happened. Jane grabs her medical bag and asks if you could take her to the Indian village.
Doctor: Thank you. He looks really bad. I will need your help later.

Medicine is needed

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Waupee's Indian village.png
Go to:
Waupee's Indian village.png

After accepting Medicine is needed (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Medicine is needed (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Waupee's friend needs help (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59





Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Doctor Jane: Hello again, good that you are here. I need your assistance. He is very sick and has an extremely high temperature. Seems to be some kind of fever... It is really unusual! Oh, and he proposed to me. May be the fever. Can you bring me some things so that I can prepare a remedy?
Thank you. He needs some rest now. I hope he will be fine and recover soon.

The day after

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Waupee's Indian village.png
Go to:
Waupee's Indian village.png

After accepting The day after (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The day after (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Medicine is needed (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Sullyvan: Where am I? How good it is to see your face, and to know that Waupee didn't ask her to help me. Is she here? Oh, no! What have you done? Why? Of course I am proud of her, I mean I like that she is a doctor! Did I say something when I had the fever? Yes, I did... I can see it in your face. What was it? Was it bad?You look at his face. It seems darker. You think he just turned red. You explain to him that he was delirious due to the heavy fever and raved on about several things.Sullyvan: Ok, so maybe I should talk to her. What can I do for her? Do you think she likes chocolate? The trader has very good chocolate. Check if trading with him, you will be lucky and find one for your friend.
Sullyvan: Thanks, man! She was really happy. You are the best friend anybody could wish for. Don't tell Waupee.

The doctor wants to say something

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Waupee's Indian village.png
Go to:
Waupee's Indian village.png

After accepting The doctor wants to say something (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The doctor wants to say something (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting The day after (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Doctor Jane: I want to say thank you for all your help the last few days. And ask you if you could perhaps do me one more favor. It's his birthday soon and I am thinking about the perfect gift for him...
Doctor: This is just amazing. Why didn't I come up with this myself? Now he will never get sick again. You are incredible!

How to say: Thank you

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
After accepting How to say: Thank you (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting How to say: Thank you (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting The doctor wants to say something (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59





Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


My friend really liked the gift from the woman doctor, Jane. He wanted to thank her personally, but she went back to the city. So I brought him to our town with me. I know it sounds a bit crazy, but I think he is really in love with her. Just look at his eyes. All he can think about is her. We have to help him somehow. But what can we do?You go to see Jane and ask her about a secret surprise party for Sullyvan. Jane has a great idea. You and Waupee will bring him to the saloon, today in the afternoon. Everyone will be waiting for him, and then, when you walk through the saloon's door...
A surprise party? Wow, this is going to be the best birthday present he ever got!


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
After accepting Surprise! (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Surprise! (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting How to say: Thank you (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59


Now, just look at them... They look as if they have been best friends forever! My friend brought a small gift for her from our village, but he forgot it in my room. Can you get it for him? And I was also thinking that maybe you should be the best man at their wedding. Right?
Well... Maybe we should leave them alone. I am sure they would appreciate it. They are in LOVE, you know. This birthday is the best day he ever had in his life. Oh, Jane left her bag here. Can you take it and give it back to her tomorrow? I have to wait for my friend and take him home after the party. I hope I don't have to wait very long. Maya will be here with Jane in the morning.

The day after the party

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
After accepting The day after the party (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The day after the party (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Surprise! (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png



Maya: Hi, nice to see you! I am quite unhappy that we still don't have a handsome, intelligent man around here. Oh, I know, you are really nice and all... But you know, I mean... Well, I'm thinking about a future husband. Jane is just so lucky! She has found somebody who is really good for her. And here she is! Speak of the devil, haha!Doctor Jane: Oh, you are too kind, bringing me my old bag. What can I do for you in return? You know what, I have an idea. What do you think about a new skill?
You and your two best female friends are having a good time together. You are really happy, this was a great week!


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
After accepting Telegrams (The provincial doctor) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Telegrams (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting He is right here! (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days
This quest is only available from 24/01 at 10:00 until the 05/03 at 23:59
24/01 10:00 - 05/03 23:59
This quest is only available between 18:00 and 23:59 o'clock
18:00 - 23:59
Setting up telegraph poles

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


I think maybe he sent a message, and we haven't received it yet. Let's check at the telegraph station! I am sure that something happened to him. Oh no! The telegrapher said that a few poles fell over. Someone has to fix it. Can you take a look?
Still nothing. No telegrams! I think we should go back to the train station.

Green Sky

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 10/03 at 10:00 until the 09/04 at 23:59
10/03 10:00 - 09/04 23:59

After accepting Green Sky (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Green Sky (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Setting traps.png


Hello. I really need your help. Umm, how can I explain this... It is a very sensitive matter. Listen: I have a special friend who is very sick. His name is Heisenzwerg. No tonic peddler in the prairie can cure his sickness. Not even the fantastic Nigel...Anyway, he is a scientist. And to get money to secure his family financially after he is dead, he is brewing a very special beverage. They call it Green Sky in the prairie because of its color. The Irish pilgrims are especially fond of it and pay high prices for a bottle.I am waiting for a new delivery, but Heisenzwerg has not delivered it yet. Can you have a look at what is wrong? Maybe he is too sick to deliver.He is located far out in the prairie in a hidden stagecoach, that is where he is cooking his Green Sky beverage. You should find him in the south. This questline is in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. You can only complete it until the 23rd of March!
Ah finally, some of the green sky. Thank you very much. Now Heisenzwerg can provide for his family even after he... by the way: he told me he feels way better now.

Are you a true cook?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Are you a true cook? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Are you a true cook? (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Number of crafted items: 5/5

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


You arrive at the destination. A -cough, cough- hidden stagecoach in the middle of the prairie. You hear a loud coughing coming from inside.Heisenzwerg: Henry sent you? Yes, I am not able to cook anymore 'cause I am too sick. You will need to help me out - cough, cough.You know what you've gotten yourself into here? Brewing without a distillery is not legal in the prairie. So if you are willing to take the risk and if you are capable then you are in.But first show me if you are actually able to help me out with this.
Heisenzwerg: You have got some very nice crafting -cough- abilities. Let's get started then.

Hordeum vulgare

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Hordeum vulgare (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Hordeum vulgare (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 31 days after accepting Are you a true cook? (Repeatable holiday quests)
31 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: Lets cook. First, you need to get the basic substance: Hordeum Vulgare. We need that to make malt. You should -cough- know where to find this Hordeum Vulgare if you work your grey matter a little.
Heisenzwerg: So you got the Hordeum Vulgare. Very good. What? I could have said it's just barley... I hope nobody saw you or we will soon have the DEA - the Drinks Enforcement Administration - on our heels.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Crushing (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Crushing (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Hordeum vulgare (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: Very good, we have got some malt here. But in this state we are not able to use it for cooking. You have to crush it first. Be sure to equip the item before you do the job.
Heisenzwerg: You -cough, cough- crushed the malt perfectly. Now the cooking can begin. I hope you have washed your hands.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Mash (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Mash (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Crushing (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: Mashing allows the enzymes in the malt to break down the starch in the grain into sugars. Now we will have to cook the whole mixture to about 70 Celsius to get -cough- mash.Unfortunately I coughed on my cooking pot so it is contaminated. You need to find another place to cook it. Somebody in the prairie must have a cooking pot for warm meals they can lend you... Be sure to equip the item before you do the job.
Heisenzwerg: A friendly inhabitant of the prairie lent you his cooking pot in return for repairing his wagon. That is very nice.

Wort Cooking

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Wort Cooking (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Wort Cooking (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Mash (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Sell: Knocked out tooth

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: Very good job. As a next step we will have to add hop. The travelling merchant is not only a normal merchant. He -cough- established a secret hop trading business in his store. There is a code. If you go to his store and sell him something no usual person would sell for: a tooth - he will give you some hop.
Heisenzwerg: So you made the -cough- travelling merchant give you some hop. I knew the old merchant knows how to make some extra money. now I can make wort out of the mash by adding hop and heating everything up.

Distilling wort

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Distilling wort (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Distilling wort (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Wort Cooking (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: We have some pretty rough wort now. We need to lauter the whole mixture. Usually -cough, cough- you do this with some kind of centrifuge. My whirlpool is contaminated. Think: can we find something in the prairie that is spinning round and round fast enough? Be sure to equip the item before you do the job.
Heisenzwerg: Well done. By swirling the wort, the centrifugal force has pushed the trub out of the wort.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Fermentation (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Fermentation (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Distilling wort (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
You have 30 days after completing Bring Heisenzwerg something useful (Repeatable holiday quests)
30 days

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: We need to -cough- ferment the product now. Fermentation in brewing is the conversion of carbohydrates to alcohols and carbon dioxide or organic acids using yeasts or bacteria under anaerobic conditions.But for fermentation we need yeast. There is no yeast to be found in the whole prairie. I have no idea where to get it. Do you have an idea? If I could just remember how my mother used to mix sourdough when I was a kid... You should show Heisenzerg the ingredients for sourdough in your inventory.
Heisenzwerg: Now we just need to wait for the fermentation to complete.

Bring Heisenzwerg something useful

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:



After accepting Bring Heisenzwerg something useful (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Bring Heisenzwerg something useful (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days



Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png



Heisenzwerg: You are right! Cough! Sourdough is made with flour and water left to linger for some time. You are a genius.
Heisenzwerg: Very -cough- good - cough, cough - job. I was able to get some bacteria from the sourdough that can ferment the product.


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting Fermentation (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Fermentation (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Fermentation (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days
Slept: 1/1

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: It will take a while for the dough to become sour, and the fermentation itself will take -cough, cough- some time, too. Just come by tomorrow.
Heisenzwerg: Well done. We finally have a pretty good product. But still - cough-, the unique green colour is missing.

The secret ingredient

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Go to:

After accepting The secret ingredient (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting The secret ingredient (Brewing Bad) you must wait 181 days
181 days
You have 21 days after accepting Fermentation (Repeatable holiday quests)
21 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Heisenzwerg: Now the -cough- last step. This is the hardest step. We need the special ingredient: a four-leaf clover. If you are lucky you might find it somewhere in the prairie.
Heisenzwerg: Wow, you are a very lucky one. The product is finally finished. I told you cooking is a very thorough process - cough, cough. You can deliver it to Henry now.

I need a horse

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
You can complete this quest on a Monday
After finishing I need a horse (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours


30 Experience points and $50 and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a>
30 Experience points and $50 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Hi,I am new here, on this city. I need a nice horse. Can anyone help me find a cheap horse?Cheers,Bill
Thank you so much. It is a beautiful horse.

A green team

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
You can complete this quest on a Tuesday
After finishing A green team (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours


20 Experience points and $10 and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a>
20 Experience points and $10 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Hi,Tomorrow is a big day for my team, but I coudn't find the green tshirt. Do you have one?Thank you,Jhonatan.
You are so nice. Thank you.

Yellow team

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
After accepting Yellow team (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Wednesday




20 Experience points and $60 and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a>
20 Experience points and $60 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Hello,A good footballer must eat properly, that why for lunch we recommend potatoes with steak and corn. Can you bring us a product?Best,Jacob
Thank you so much.

Red team

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
After finishing Red team (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Thursday
Bandit duels won: 4/4
20 Experience points and $80 and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a>
20 Experience points and $80 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Hi,We have an information, that a few bandits to disrupt our match. Can you help us?Cheers,Leo
Oh, you are amazing. Thanks.

Fish for Henry

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
After finishing Fish for Henry (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Friday


Stream fishing
20 Experience points and $20 and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a>
20 Experience points and $20 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Howdy, {PLAYER_NAME}, I need some fish for our stew. Please try to catch some. -Henry
Thank you! Please drop by again, we can always use some help.

Blue Team

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
After finishing Blue Team (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Saturday
Distance travelled: 5000/5000
20 Experience points and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a> and $20
20 Experience points and $20 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Hi everyone,As part of the training, go 1000 miles.Your Coach
Good job!


Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
This quest is only available from 09/06 at 00:00 until the 02/07 at 23:59
09/06 00:00 - 02/07 23:59
You can complete this quest on a Sunday
After finishing Drinks (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours



20 Experience points and $75 and [ID: 51059000] <a href="?screen=item_view#51059">Blue card</a>
20 Experience points and $75 and [ID: 52052000] <a href="?screen=item_view#52052">Red card</a>
Hi,The fans want to drink something. We need a lot of ground coffee and tequila.Henry
Thank you. As always, you are on time.

Old advent calendar

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png


This quest is only available from 25/10 at 01:00 until the 23/12 at 23:59
25/10 01:00 - 23/12 23:59
After accepting An advent calendar for you (Christmas) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Old advent calendar (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Are you looking for the new Advent calendar? Maya can't give you the new one, because you still have last year's one. No, no, no... You can have only one calendar. I can trade it with you.
Now you can talk to Maya.

Shy admirer - Annie Oakley

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Reach level 50–119
After finishing Shy admirer - Annie Oakley (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Monday
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
After finishing Shy admirer - Annie Oakley (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours


Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


SES: 50 (Hearts)
I saw Annie in Buffalo Bill's Show when she shot the ash off Kaiser Wilhelm's cigar. I wish I had some cigars too. Then I could attend the show and volunteer as the human target! -Valentine
I attended the show and Annie Oakley shot the ash off my cigar. It was a very romantic moment.

Shy admirer - Belle Starr

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Reach level 50–119
After finishing Shy admirer - Belle Starr (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Wednesday
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
After finishing Shy admirer - Belle Starr (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours


Reward gfx.png

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SES: 50 (Hearts)
Since you robbed me at the bank I can't sleep anymore. Belle always wears feathers in her hair. I wish I had some that I could gift to her! -Valentine
I was robbed again in the bank and I saw Belle wear the feathers in her hair I sent her. I am happy.

Shy admirer - Charley Parkhust

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Reach level 10–49
After finishing Shy admirer - Charley Parkhust (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Monday
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
After finishing Shy admirer - Charley Parkhust (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours


Reward gfx.png

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SES: 50 (Hearts)
This man that brings me my mail via the Wells Fargo stagecoach. I know this is no man. It is Charley Parkhust disguising as a man to be able to live a better life than most of the poor women in the Wild West. She loves chewing tobacco. I wish I had some tobacco as a gift for her! -Valentine
Today I spotted Charley in her disguise as a man voting. What a smart woman.

Shy admirer - Jane Canary

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Reach level 10–49
After finishing Shy admirer - Jane Canary (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Monday
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
After finishing Shy admirer - Jane Canary (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
Guarding the fort
30 minutes

Reward gfx.png

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SES: 50 (Hearts)
Jane is the best sharpshooter in the prairie, I am so in love but I am too shy to tell her. She is a rough dont-mess-with-me kid but still I hope nothing happens to her! I need to hire somebody to have a look at her. She is guarding forts at the moment.-Valentine
What a woman. The fort was attacked by Native Americans and she managed to rescue an army captain. Since this day I will call her Calamity Jane.

Shy admirer - Josephine Marcus

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Reached level 120
After finishing Shy admirer - Josephine Marcus (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Monday
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
After finishing Shy admirer - Josephine Marcus (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
Work as a Stage Performer
30 minutes

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


SES: 50 (Hearts)
I am in love with Josey Marcus. She is a famous actor with the theater group Gilbert & Sullivan. Somebody needs to sneak into her dressing room and deliver my Valentine's message.-Valentine
Damn, she refused me for Wyatt Earp.

Shy admirer - Lillian Smith

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Reached level 120
After finishing Shy admirer - Lillian Smith (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours
You can complete this quest on a Monday
This quest is only available from 07/02/2022 at 12:00 until the 06/03/2023 at 12:00
07/02/2022 12:00 - 06/03/2023 12:00
After finishing Shy admirer - Lillian Smith (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 24 hours
24 hours


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SES: 50 (Hearts)
I am going to Buffalo Bill's show every day to see Lillian. She is definitely a better sharpshooter than Annie Oakley, these two are rivals to the blood. She just needs some bigger bullets. Then she will shoot better. If I only had some of these to gift her.-Valentine
Lilly shot with my bullets at the show today and did great. She is so pretty.

Thanksgiving I

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 16/11 at 00:00 until the 30/11 at 23:59
16/11 00:00 - 30/11 23:59
After accepting Thanksgiving III (Thanksgiving) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Thanksgiving I (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days




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Hello {PLAYER_NAME}, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am going to see my cousin Luis again! Can you help me with the preparations? I have written a small list of things that I need for the feast.
Thank you for the ingredients.

Thanksgiving II

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 13 days after accepting Thanksgiving I (Repeatable holiday quests)
13 days
This quest is only available from 16/11 at 00:00 until the 30/11 at 23:59
16/11 00:00 - 30/11 23:59
After accepting Thanksgiving II (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Laying railroad tracks

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


I heard that there has been a huge storm last night. It destroyed the railroad tracks to this place completely. If the damage isn't going to be repaired very soon, my cousin won't arrive on time for Thanksgiving. Please help the railroad workers, so that Louis will arrive here on time.
Thank you {PLAYER_NAME}!

Thanksgiving III

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 13 days after accepting Thanksgiving II (Repeatable holiday quests)
13 days
This quest is only available from 16/11 at 00:00 until the 30/11 at 23:59
16/11 00:00 - 30/11 23:59
After accepting Thanksgiving III (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

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Luis will arrive on time now. But the most important thing is still missing: The turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for your help.

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting Christmas Angel (Christmas) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


{PLAYER_NAME}! It's good that you're coming. I wanted to decorate my saloon a little more festively but don't have the time to go to the forest and get a tree myself. Could you get a little wood for me?
That's an actual fir tree! That fits perfectly.

Where did I put my candles?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 23 days after accepting O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting Where did I put my candles? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Digging graves

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Where did I put my old candles... Oh, hello {PLAYER_NAME}. I'm just looking for my candles. Unfortunately I can't find them. What shall I do... Oh, I know what. Why don't you look near the graves and see if you can find some candles there. But don't let them catch you!
Well, those have already been lit, but... it doesn't matter. Thank you in any case.

What is it that smells so good here?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 23 days after accepting Where did I put my candles? (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting What is it that smells so good here? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Harvesting fields

Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Hello {PLAYER_NAME}. I would like to bake a few cookies for my guests. Unfortunately I ran out of flour and can't find any in the entire area. Could you get me some? You will probably need to harvest some grain first in order to grind it.
Thanks for the flour. Now I can bake my world-famous cookies. As soon as they are finished, you may try you one.

Decorations for the tree

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
You have 23 days after accepting What is it that smells so good here? (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting Decorations for the tree (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days



Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


Greetings, {PLAYER_NAME}. I have heard that white men hang decorations on their trees for Christmas. Could you get me a few things so I can decorate my tree too? But I don't really know what sort of objects are hung on a tree. Maybe you can get me different things. I'm sure something appropriate will be among them.
Henry Walker thought that my jewelry selection was so beautiful that he immediately wanted to exchange with me. What a strange custom...

Wanted: Man in a red coat

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
You have 23 days after accepting Decorations for the tree (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting Wanted: Man in a red coat (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days

Reward gfx.png

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Reward experience.png


I have heard rumors that a man in a red coat is roaming through this area. Supposedly he sits on a flying sleigh that is pulled by reindeer. Please find out whether there is anything true about these rumors.
You're telling me that you really saw him? A fat belly, red coat, and he was actually flying? Can I really believe you? Or did you have too many drinks and are making up stories? Well, I guess I'll never know...

A gift horse...

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Barkeeper Henry Walker.png
You have 23 days after accepting Wanted: Man in a red coat (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting A gift horse... (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days





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Reward money.png


Hello {PLAYER_NAME}, I'm glad to see you back in my saloon again. We could still use a few presents that we could place under the tree, for the children. Just look for a little bit of everything.
Very good, this will make the children happy. Oh, and you brought me a cigar as a present. That's very nice of you.

The Christmas star

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
You have 23 days after accepting A gift horse... (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting The Christmas star (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days
Treasure hunt

Reward gfx.png

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Reward money.png


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{PLAYER_NAME}! Wait a moment. Have you ever heard the story that the Aztecs created an old treasure that they called the Christmas Star, in honor of the newcomers and their rites? I've heard the rumor that this treasure came all the way west to where we are. Maybe you can find it!
Look at this necklace. How it glitters and sparkles, almost like a star. I think that I'll wear this necklace for the Christmas celebration. It will draw all eyes to me at the party.

Jack Frost

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Maya Roalstad.png
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting Christmas Angel (Christmas) you must wait 181 days
181 days
After accepting Jack Frost (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward experience.png


Reward gfx.png

Reward gfx.png

Reward money.png


Hello {PLAYER_NAME}. The children are making a snowman outside in the streets. But they're still missing a few pieces of coal for the eyes. Do you know where there might be any? The children have even collected a little bit of money for you as a payment.
Thank you, {PLAYER_NAME}. Take a look outside a little later and see what the children have made.

What's that strange smell?

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
You have 23 days after accepting Decorations for the tree (Repeatable holiday quests)
23 days
This quest is only available from 29/11 at 00:00 until the 26/12 at 23:59
29/11 00:00 - 26/12 23:59
After accepting What's that strange smell? (Repeatable holiday quests) you must wait 181 days
181 days



Reward gfx.png

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I've heard that the palefaces often light incense sticks on Christmas. Maybe I should make some myself and show my good will. Why don't you bring me two oranges and a few tobacco leaves? I should be able to work with those.
Ah, the ingredients. Now if I mix and light them... Ugh! What a stench! I can't stand it. Let's get out of here!

Christmas Angel

Quest Giver Requirements Requires Reward
Sheriff John Fitzburn.png
You have 59 days after accepting The Christmas star (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days
You have 59 days after accepting Jack Frost (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days
You have 59 days after accepting What's that strange smell? (Repeatable holiday quests)
59 days