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Fort Fights
Bataille de fort.png
A fort battle is a fight in which players compete to conquer or defend a fort. Players oppose each other within two teams during a battle: the attacking team against the defending team. Each team is composed of a certain number of players, which varies depending on the size of the fort.


To initiate a fort battle, a player must be a member of a town and hold the title of Town Councillor or Town Founder. The player must then go to the location of the fort they wish to attack and bear the costs of initiating a fort battle (the money used comes from their town's treasury). The cost varies depending on the size of the fort and the number of battles already launched before triggering the battle:

Size Small fort
Small fort
Medium fort
Medium fort
Large fort
Large fort
Costs 1 500 $ 5 000 $ 10 000 $

Aide Note
The cost of triggering a fort battle is multiplied by 8 to the power of the number of fort battles initiated in the preceding 3 hours. If there are no battles, the triggering cost is the base cost.
For example, attacking a large fort if 2 other battles have already been initiated in the previous 3 hours would cost you $10,000 x 82 = $640,000.

On-site, the player wishing to attack a fort must click on the fort battle trigger button, located at the bottom right of the targeted fort's home window.


A fort that has been attacked cannot be the target of a new offensive within 48 hours following the triggering of the last battle on that fort.

Once the attack is confirmed, the fort battle will begin twenty-four hours later. Members of the attacking town and the fort's owners will receive an attack report to inform them of the battle.


To participate in a fort battle, one must be registered for the battle and be at the fort's location when it begins.

Joining the battle

To register for a fort battle, one must click on the registration button located at the bottom right of the window of the fort being attacked. The player must then choose the side they wish to join by clicking on the corresponding choice (this choice is irrevocable).

Join Battle

Players do not need to physically go to the fort to register for the fort battle: they can do so remotely. Members of the towns that own the attacked fort and their allies cannot choose their side: they will be automatically assigned to defend the fort. Automatic assignment also applies to members of the attacking town, who can only register for the attack.

Registering for a fort battle prevents the registered player from leaving their town until the end of the battle.


Once the player has registered for a fort battle, they access the battle interface: this is an aerial map of the fort, divided into different sectors (which vary depending on the size of the fort and the level of construction of its various buildings). The player must then position themselves in the starting zone (marked in blue for defenders, inside the fort, and in red for attackers, on the right, left, and bottom sides of the map) of their team by clicking on the desired square. The choice of starting position is confirmed by the appearance of a small yellow icon representing the player Position. The player can then define a point toward which their character will try to move once the battle has begun: the player must designate this point by clicking on the desired location (square) (which can be the same as the starting location). A small red symbol appears to confirm this choice.Target